Yeah, this is me. I claim to be a strong woman who can change a flat, mow the lawn, paint a house, and take on a group of guys in a pick-up basketball game… but if there’s a spider involved, I’m flat out terrified. Kill it! Kill it!
Funny how I manage to come up with these ideas. Here’s the transcript of how it happened:
8:03 sit down to eat dinner in front of TV
8:04 shuffle through channels while realizing I still need to come up with a comic joke/gag
8:06 end up on Spiderman 3 (never saw the 3rd one)
8:06:30 Think: “Spider”, “I’m scared of spiders”, “I hate that I’m scared of spiders, because I’m such the strong/independent woman and it seems hypocritical”, “oh, comic idea.”
8:07 eat dinner, satisfied with my less-then-a-second brainstorm.
Other days, not quite so easy.
Just goes to show how we can relate our daily routine into a comic strip(s)
that’s what makes ’em good: relate-ability.
I need to start writing mine down because I come up with them and then forget them by the time I actually sit down to draw.
sometimes I amaze myself that I remember my ideas. I don’t usually write stuff down… but when I do…. I find when I read it later, it sounds like a lame idea…
That’s awesome. That is so true of my wife. She drives her self to be independent to a degree at the house. Fixing issues as they arise (leaky sinks, broken handles, etc.) She even gets some what upset if I step in and work on something or fix something that she’s said she’s gonna do. But even amongst all that if a spider comes out, you better believe she’s climbing the walls. The boys think it’s hilarious that she’s so scared of spiders. In fact my 3 year old has gotten to be quite the spider killer so that his momma doesn’t have to worry with them. When he squashes one for her he boasts about it all day long.
So you women out there, we know ya’ll are strong and independent, but just remember we’re still able to protect you from your eight legged adversaries.
ha ha, whatever will keep the men feeling “manly”… kill the spider, bruno.
Can I hire your 3 year old for my spring cleaning? Lord knows that when they all come out.
Oh, and we get spiderfish too, I hate those creepy things too. It’s something about the legs, alllll the legs…*shudder*
I don’t think men are always on the strong side of this equation. Personally, creepy crawlies creep me out. I won’t shriek and run, though, unless it’s a wasp
we should get one of those vacuum cleaner bug-suck gadgets. Has a long extension, for the super wimpy.
If you are going to keep talking about spiders I am going to leave. They scare me to death.
well, I guess I won’t mention that Arachnophobia is on right now….
(it’s not.. jk)
Love the action, and expressions in this strip. Nice job!
Thanks! This is becoming… slowly… one of my favs!
Actually, the best thing about this whole strip is that something good actually came from that steaming pile of crap, Spider-Man 3.
yeah… yeah. The movie wasn’t that great. The half hour I caught of it. That was during the summer of terrible #3 sequels…
The funniest thing is his reaction! Guys are as afraid of spiders as ladies, however we just hide it behind a lot of facial hair.
so… all we women need to be complete equals is… facial hair. hmm.
Fred’s still taking notes! Classic!!
*tsk* you got ’em mixed up dude! Zorphbert’s the one with the clipboard. I just tell people to examine the logo– the little collar is Zorphie, the big collar is Fred. ;0)
I’m fairly certain there was a spider eradication clause written into my wedding vows.
hmmm.. I have a wedding coming up… gotta write my vows too… heh heh
Afraid of a spider? You’re such a chick… Heh-heh.
shut it, polar bear. ;0)
Haha! This is SO me. One of my early Imy strips covered the same idea (this one). I remember a college roomie of mine calling me a “big baby” when i made her kill a spider for me LOL
I’m with ya girl! I HATE having to sheepishly ask my guy to go kill a tiny little insect. I’ll take care of cleaning up dog vomit, no problem… but a spider? NO.
This is something I feel very bad about. I can slaughter all types of household pests, but spiders are the one thing that brings out rampant femininity on my part.
My wife’s the spider-killer in our family. Yuck!
I can relate!!!!
*don’t tell my wife!!!