Lord, I toyed around with this one for far to long. At least 5 different jokes… not even sure if this was the best one. Hope you enjoy it anyway. I want to photoshop an “Inspector Gidget” now, just for kicks.
Running out of time— Don’t forget to swing by webcomicplanet.com and nominate your favorite webcomics! I’m pre-stocked on Halloween candy and I’m not too ashamed to bribe. ;0)
Coming Soon:
Believe it or not, I am coming up on my 300th Z&F comic. This one is #298, so next week look for a special FULL COLOR update, it’s a suuurrrpriiiiise ;0)
Now if only they knew which key to use…go go gadget lock pick.
You know what’s worse than not getting a nomination for the WCRCA’s? Having to nominate yourself…lol… so get out there and nominate your favorite comic folks! Time is running out! If you have a particular comic you love (*cough* Zorphbert and Fred *cough*) nominate them now (*cough* Zorphbert and Fred *cough*)! I really need to get this cough checked out.
Everyone, meet Karl, my promotions manager. Thanks man! *pelts with cough drops*
Ha! embrace my brilliance… great strip today!
Thanks TL!
Senor Tubby Tacos…Inspector Gidget…bribes? This strip has all the ingredients to be a Congressman…
er…and yes, I’m aware that made no sense,but that’s what I get for waking up and coming straight to ZFcomics.com, “sleep” still in my eyes and everything…
It made perfect sense to me. Maybe that is what’s wrong with congress. They are using the sam tactics that aliens use. Humm… Maybe they are aliens.
I’m impressed that Z&F was your first stop, sleepy eyes and all. wow.
I think your on to something, Bo. Scary! Halloween comic…?
This is why I would be a bad prison guard. If somebody made a trail of taco bell, I’d follow it right into a trap. Even if I knew it was a trap. That’s how delicious it is.
LOL, every 2 years or so I’ll get a craving for cheap mexican fast food… but I very quickly learn my lesson. They should offer pepto & antacids on their dollar menu.
Lol. I’d be more prone to napping than chasing burritos if I were guarding the prison.
now I want mexican food AND a nap afterwards. THAT’S a good afternoon.
Very Invader Zim-ish today! Love it! And of course I’m sure you don’t know of the 60s TV show “Gidget” do you? It starred a very young Sally Field in bad 60s bikinis. A real hoot! That’s why I’m here, to keep the younger generation informed of our really bad TV of the 60s. Someday you’ll pass along TV shows like “Family Ties” to the “youngsters” of their time! What a proud tradition…

How I managed an Invader Zim-ish comic with a 60’s kitschy TV show reference, I’ll never know… and YEEEEES, I know of the Sally Field show. sheesh. The thought of Zorphbert in a cheasy 60’s bikini cracked me up, plus that name is hilarious. Just say aloud. Do it. Now try not to laugh. See?
Yes but I bet you don’t know the Sally Field of Smokey and the Bandit but rather Forest Gump..haha
hmm.. actually, the first time I might have sen Sally Field in a movie was probably Mrs. Doubtfire… or Soapdish….but yeah, Gump wasn’t far after that.
Lol this is funny you can beat any man with a good burrito.
how very very true. I wanted to work in the phrase “fastest way to a man’s heart (keys?) is through his stomach”, but that just seemed longwinded and lame.
Burritos are like kryptonite… or in the least a mild sedative. I think I read that in a fortune cookie.
I would not be at all surprised if that was written on a fortune.
this is funnier dawn, trust me
I trust you. ;0)
I really enjoyed this one, Dawn, and I can’t wait to read your 300th comic! Early congrats!
He should learn its always safer to agree with a woman’s brilliance.
Andale! Andale! Arriba! Arriba! Speedy Gonzales eat yer heart out!