Well, I HAD to comment on this ridiculous idea that some mathematical equation taken from the bible means this Saturday- May 21, 2011 – is Judgement Day. Even if it REALLY was, no one would believe it. Just like I’m not believing it. Hmm.. I kinda contradicted myself there… or just confused myself… either way, NOT happening. Enjoy your weekend, Rapture-Free.
With these types of declarations (as well as wars, activists against certain groups in society, and other events “in God’s Name”), I often imagine all the different Gods and higher beings playing poker in the sky, looking down on us, shaking their heads, saying “Man, these idiots keep getting it ALLLLLL wrong…”
This is why I just keep it simple and live by the Golden Rule. That covers almost everything, doesn’t it?
Off to good ol’ Cleveland this weekend, for my cousin’s wedding and an Indians baseball game! weee!
“Some say the end is near.
Some say we’ll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this…”
I’ll stop there, being that Dawn wants to keep her PG rating.
Perfect quote. Man, that album was good.
Wonder if Z&F could go visit the folks back on their planet for the weekend…just in case.
or maybe their doghouse will work like a bomb shelter for the end of days.
I really like the perspective shot in the last panel, nice job Dawn…very nice. Fred’s expressions crack me up constantly.
I love how the owners aren’t affected by this news at all, sort of like 99.9% of the population.
Well for those that are caught up in this and on the edge I give you a reference that debunks any mathematical equations, Nostradomus predictions, and any other thought up, made up, ideas. Mark 13:32 – “But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Case closed.
I have seen that quote before, too.. but it’s so hard, the Bible contradicts itself in so many ways, it hard to know “the truth”, and that’s probably how god would want it. Spelling it out is too easy.
Thanks for noticing the perspective in panel 3, I’m happy I decided to do that.
The Bible never contradicts itself when taken in context. It is only when people try to make it say what they want it too. It does however contradict what I think in a lot of instances.
Just checking, which golden rule would that be:
1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
2. Do unto others before they do unto you.
3. He who has the gold makes the rules.
Over the ages there have been so many predictions of the End of Time and all have been based upon faulty logic. Assuming the Bible is correct about things, as I recall it is indicated that no one would know when the end was going to happen. So, how does this guy think he knows? As I understand it he is using an English translation for analysis, well, I guess if English was good enough for Jesus Christ it ought to be good enough for this chap. Jesus must have spoken English as the ones in the bookstore are in that language, right?
Also, I read about an analysis of various non-religious books and they found a variety of “messages” in Moby Dick, War and Peace, and several others.
There was also a religious analysis of “American Pie” by another chap who believed it was a message from God.
My own theory is that if each planet in the universe represents the equivalent of a cable channel, Earth is the soap opera network.
Exactly! If the Rapture were to take place, at least make it on a Monday morning after a good weekend!
Wait… so End of Days is something more than an old Arnie movie?
If anyone knows when the end of the world is scheduled, it should be an alien living in disguise on earth, right?