This one’s a little too busy for my tastes.. think I tried to cram too much into that 3rd panel. I just hope it’s still decipherable for you fine readers.
A quick news bit: Z&F got a wonderful review/spotlight over at TGTwebcomics! Quite flattered at what they had to say… check it out here.
I also got to plug your comic and spotlight on EP62 of the podcast as well
it’s near the end, not sure what exact time 
oh neat! I think I downloaded it already, haven’t listened yet. Yay!
I think the 3rd Panel came across great. The point was chaos at arriving at such a location, and that definitely came across. As always a great strip, I really enjoy your work.
Yup, was going for “chaos”. Like any of us office workers need that. Just gimmi my coffee and leave me alone until like 1pm. ;0)
Thanks for the support, as always!
Honestly, I got a little lost at the third panel. If they teleported into coffee, then my coffee’s never been so hot that it makes things sizzle. Actually, I think “sizzle” is probably the wrong word and that’s the confusion. “Sizzle” is for hot, dry surfaces like a frying pan. Unless the teleported into the coffee maker itself and were on the heating plate?
You’re right about the sizzle… I wanted to portray the fact that their bottoms are being burned… bang you over the head with the sound effect, but there’s probably something better.
Looking at this again, I probably could have combined the first panel with the 2nd. Add a panel between 2 and 3, which features a quiet scene of the office worker at his desk, before the teleportation. Cup of Coffee intact. Probably woulda been better storytelling.
Damn that hindsight!
Nice 3rd panel. It was busy enough to blow the mind of that guy peeking from around his cubicle. Chaos is cool.
everyone loves a little chaos! after the coffee kicks in tho.
I didn’t think any company wanted Real resumes anymore. They just want you to upload it to their system so they can keyword search it and put you in the crap file automatically.
very true. phone interviews seem to be the way to go, too. However, it’s more of an interesting storyline the old-school way. You’ll also see that I still show Z&F reading newspapers for the latest news… who does THAT anymore? But it’s more aesthetic than showing them in front of a computer.
I agree, you are really “approachable”, fun, and talented. Glad you are appreciated!
why thanks Winnie!
kinda buisy, but i think you pulled it off
thanks GR!
Nice punnage
I didn’t have much trouble with the third panel, although I imagine a change in camera angle might have helped things read a little easier.
I’m enjoying reading my way through your archives, Dawn!
Hey Chris! Nice to have you commenting here at Z&F. I did play around with different angles for that 3rd panel.. it was getting tricky, heh. Coulda shoulda woulda, right?
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy archive digging! Did you see the “archives and storylines” page? It’s very helpful for new readers ;0)
Thanks, Dawn — I hadn’t seen that page yet. I’ll check it out!
Hey, it must have worked just right. Check out the other comics and see if you can find one of them with this many comments, and these people keep coming back. Don’t second guess yourself. If you see something that would have made it better just use it next time you get a chance.
wow, now there’s a pep talk. Thanks man! This is best thing about webcomics, interaction with your readers! Beats the heck out of snail mail for “normal” newspaper cartoonists, heh.
You guys have no idea how much I appreciate the support and dedication to my little webcomic floating out there in cyberspace. ;0)
Ah. The old 2nd degree coffee booty burn.
Ah. The old 2nd degree coffee booty burn. Aliens have the strangest way of drinking their liquids.
.. which makes me wonder where they expel said liquids after consumption. eww.
LOL, this was good. I like the fact that you are use a lot of different characters in the strip.
CyberDog out.