Still fighting off a bad case of poison ivy/oak/whatever. Sucks. Though I did not actually bathe totally in oatmeal, I used a bath mixture by Aveeno that had oatmeal in it.
Hey, have you seen the latest Clipart FAIL?? It’s a wonderful ego trip for budding artists.. chances are you are 100% better than these hacks. Plus, this update is written by a special guest writer, whose true medium is complex phrases and cumbersome words, woven into wondrous hilarity. Or, something like that. He’s funny.
HA! As someone who is tragically allergic to poison ivy, I must say this is very true! And on a related note, I just found out that we have poison ivy growing on the side of our building at work. I shouldn’t go outside.
Geez, a few summers ago I caught a terrible case of poison ivy. My box turtle got lost on a hill that was covered in the stuff and I had to keep searching for him… I tried all kinds of internet remedies, but the only thing that worked was a body wash called “Techu Extreme Medicated Poison Ivy Scrub.” I think I got it at the Rite Aid. There are worse things to spend your money on.
P.S. The turtle was found unharmed.
In all my years of living on farms, walking around in fields, smoking pot in bushes and sleeping in tents on mountain sides, I’ve never gotten any poison ivy on me. Not that I’m looking for it, I guess I’m just plain lucky. I understand it is quite maddening with the itching and stuff.
It is also my firm belief that most “home remedies” only work on those effected folks. What works for one skin type is not going to work on another. So, you have to try a few things until you find the right one. Not sure what’s in oatmeal to help ease poison ivy, but it’s better than actually eating it.

Oh, my mother was a nurse and told me the only cure to hiccups is to stretch the abdominal diaphragm as hiccups are caused by a spasm in that area. Hold your left or right arm straight above your head and stretch as far as you can to one side, then do the other. Should help in two or three days…

Incidentally, the last panel with Fred plugging his ears and drinking water from the straw is also very effective. My mom showed that to me and it works every time.
Benadryl puts you into a pleasantly semi-comatose state until the rash goes away.
I never thought of it until now, Dawn, but you must be right.
Hope you get better quickly.
My favourite cure for hiccups is the old ‘stop breathing’ trick – especially fun when you pass out and crash onto the coffee table.
Try poison oak, that should make you forget about the poison ivy.