I can no longer drink these types of beverages- Mountain Dew, Hawaiian Punch… they just give me the shakes. To think I LOVED Hawaiian Punch as a kid, whew!
I may very well do a whole series of “beverage analysis” comics, be forewarned.
P.S. Thundercats was my favorite tv show as a kid. I still collect the action figures. The neighborhood kids come over and play with them, which I find amusing.
I can’t drink Mountain Dew and its offshoots (or energy drinks/double shot espresso) for the same reason – it makes me a bit too “amped” (and don’t buy Hawaiian Punch for the Household, but also drank it growing up)… or didn’t, until Taco Bell started carrying the Baja Blast. *shakes fist at Taco Bell* I guess I should be glad it’s not available to purchase for home. My guy’s brother and sister-in-law regularly gave their 2-year old and 12-month old Mountain Dew. I’m not a “perfect parent”, and I know there’s no handbook, but I really feel that’s just wrong. I was in my 20s then and knew from my teens that Mountain Dew was too much for me (again, everybody’s different).
This strip was packed with references! My library carries Thundercats DVDs and I rent them to show the munchkins…
The only energy drink I like is sugarfree Red Bulls.. doesn’t give me he shakes, but keeps me focused.
Funny you bring up Baja Blast… that damn drink beat out my company’s water ice tube product.. which would have been designed by ME!
I would never give my child Mountain Dew. Ever, if possible, LOL. (if I had a kid)
Thundercats HOOOO!
Oh noes! I’m sorry Baja Blast (the one thing that keeps me from a complete Mountain Dew shut-out) took something from you. Want me to smack it the next time?
Also, I don’t want to offend anyone, but one drink that always gave me a jolt (Jolt – that’s another drink I can’t touch!) was diet Mountain Dew. I knew some IT guys who lived on it, and to me, if you already “Do the Dew”, what’s the point of “busting down to” diet?
And I am cool with your sugar-free Red Bull love (because we all know you were waiting on my blessing), because it might be what helps you get out these strips to us on a regular basis (besides your amazing creativity)!
hahaha! I remember Hawaiian Punch! They don’t do those commercials anymore, do they? (P.S. Fred’s expression in panel 1 is hilarious!))
I cannot believe they still sell the stuff.. why hasn’t that company been sued for all it’s worth??? Some child somewhere MUST have grown a second head from drinking that sludge.
I give HP to my neices and nephews right before they go home to their parents.
OOOHHH, you are a mean, mean person.
Haha, I still love the Hawaiian Punch Blue stuff. Typhoon Blue I think it is?? Mmmmmm…
I don’t think I ever tried that flavor!
got a hawaiian kick once
those aren’t quite as good, IMO.
Hahah! Sugar high!
Man did I used to love that suff. Artifical red goodness!
preeeeeservatives *homer gurgling noise*
That’s awesome. I lived off of HP when I was a kid and in College. I used to buy that stuff in College by the gallons, those huge containers of it with the plastic carry ring on the top. Man, good thing Zorphbert started off with the HP and didn’t get him any coffee, the sugar hit him hard enough, could you imagine what caffeine would do to him.
oh, just you wait for the next strips…
That stuff looks too much like antifreeze to me. I just drink coffee and cola to keep going but I usually stop around 10:00pm so it doesn’t keep me awake.
ironically, I can drink coffee up until my head hits the pillow.
You know who really deserves the “Punch”? Snarf.
I HATED SNARF! I always wished Ssslythe would have eaten him!
Oh now, don’t be all hatin’ on Snarf. He couldn’t help having the annoying voice.
I was always a huge G.I. Joe and Transformers fan when I was a kid.
And the only thing I drink are beverages which help me keep drawing at 2am.
I had some transformers myself, but G.I. Joe wasn’t quite as big with me. Needed more chicks! Gals I could relate to! Like Cheetara!
Hey, how do ya think the Kool-Aid Man can crash through walls and not shatter into a milliion pieces? It’s the punch!
ha ha, what an ironic twist that would be. And maybe the guys who came up with the Hawaiian Punch formula were high on Hi-C!
Hey, I’ve seen my 3 year-old on this stuff, and believe me, it should definitely be a controlled substance!