“Frozen Zorphies” are delightful on a hot summer day. I enjoy them with rum, but the kiddies (like the Weird Kid) can join in the fun without it. Just take a hearty chunk of LOGICALLY SOUND SCIENCE, and mix in a spoonful of MYTH and a dash of BELIEF!
If you need to be caught up on this little arc about Georgia the cat, start HERE.
Hey guys, remember the RISE Bullying anthology Kickstarter we got successfully funded? It’s been slowly coming along. The books are at the printer, but you can download the digital copies of the first 2 issues RIGHT NOW!
ISSUE #1 (with MY cover art and illustrated story, written by Jon Carroll, inside)
It’s the umbrella. Who can resist a game that involves an umbrella?
probably my dog. A tad scared of umbrellas.
“whaaaaaaaaat did that thing just do? It was little and unthreatening, and suddenly became BIG! Make it STOP!”
Of course the Weird Kid would think it’s a game
heck, I wanna play too. It’s like Calvinball!