I’m probably over-thinking things, but sometimes I wonder how much the aliens can do in their costume, that mimics cats/dogs. For instance, we see them eat.. but is that the way they normally eat? Do they have mouth? Could they cough up a hairball? Apparently, that’s where I drew the line.
Not sure how regional/widespread the Spencer’s chain is, or how prevalent they still are in locals malls, but man… that was the highlight of any of the dreaded trips to the mall I was dragged to while in high school. Not a mallrat by any stretch of the imagination… but I’d gladly peruse that weird store.
Still have Spencer’s in a few malls here in Northern Virginia. We’ll have to schedule a “Spencer’s trip” the next time you’re up this way and we have some extra time on our hands! LOL!
oh, we still have them around these parts too, Chris…. NJ, land of the malls, after all. I just wasn’t sure if it existed outside of this area, or not.
I’d be freaked out if I saw a cat shopping at a store. Therefore, I’m guessing Nettika changed costumes before entering the store.
Speaking of Spencer’s, I purchased a “beer babe” from one of the stores. It’s a drinking vessel in the shape of a naked female torso. My plans are to paint a skeleton on it so that it looks like you can see through her. Might add a tiny plastic heart, too.
Nettika isn’t the most upstanding citizen, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she sneakily used the 4-paw discount with the hairball-in-a-can. But good thought there, Rainey.
and, wow, what a way to turn a sleazy item into something cool!
Yeah, I gotta admit it. When I was in my teens, I’d made plenty of visits to the back of the Spencer’s store…
ehehe, the “naughtiest” section we kids could find in a mall!
Isn’t there the potential for negative side effects?
undoubtedly, with Spencer’s products.
Ah… Spencers. What wonderful childhood memories. A store that would entice me to enter and look at the Star Wars action figures and get yelled at by the store clerk for looking at the Dirty Birthday Cards to the left of them.
LOL.. meeeeeeeeemories!
or, maaaaaaaammaries! ahahaha