Man, there’s nothing like getting ready for a great football match-up. The snacks, the beer, the crisp autumn day, the total excuse to slob-it-up in your sweats. Despite the fact that my Browns are enormously and embarrassingly terrible, I can enjoy an Eagles game or the Michigan-OSU classic. Actually, it’s the one sport where I can enjoy a game without having a definite favorite team involved.
Anyway, now that I’m done with my “I-Heart-Football” monologue….
Buy Stuff!
Have a little girl in your life? A niece or cousin who’s in need of a holiday gift? I have the answer (illustrated by yours truly)
Or, your could always buy a lil’ sumthin’ sumthin’ direct from the Z&F Store! Adopt an alien! Well, not really, but show your love for ’em.
Makes ya wonder how far he’ll run before he realizes the balls not coming his way. Something about this time of the year really makes ya want to get out and enjoy throwing the ole pig skin around. The air is so much crisper and feels cleaner when it starts to get cold like this.
Autumn is my favorite season, I love a good dog-walk on a crisp fall day. However, these past few morning have gone from “crisp” to “numbingly cold”. aaak!
And yeah.. the weird kid doesn’t catch on to quick. He may be gone for a while.
Haha awesome! I’ll have to try this next time a football fanatic starts babbling on. Pull out a football and yell “Go long!” and walk away. Thanks for this solution.
glad to offer little tips and tricks. However, keep in mind these football fanatics may indeed be big beefy dudes, and easily angered. May want to wear a helmet anyway.
dang, thats an awesome idea!
why thank you! lol
thanks for swinging by Pam
Thats another cool comic dawn also the new book looks awesome congrats. My love of football has been sorely tested this year with U of M and the Lions floundering. Just wait until next year.
hey, your Lions beat my Browns. With 0 on the clock. Amazing new ways the Cleveland teams find to lose.
I hate buying into stereotypes (but I also base comments on life experience/those I’ve encountered), so excuse my next comment (as there are many ladies who are well-versed in and enjoy many sports and teams), but your guy must think it’s incredibly hot that you’re into sports! I love sports, but I’m the annoying chick who has to ask, “okay, so what is…” a lot (even though I grew up with Football fanatics and going to baseball/basketball/hockey games) because I only half know what’s going on.
ironically enough, Rick finds the extreme passion for my Cleveland teams annoying.. but that’s mostly because I freak out while watching games (I’m not much fun, lol). At first, sure, I’ll bet he thought, “oh sweet, no nagging me about watching football again…” LOL. But I’ll tell ya what… as well-versed in sports as I am, I still pick up some weird random rule I never knew before when watching football. Some of those penalties are BIZARRE.
That’s why I never go long. I have spent too much time waiting on the ball.
LOL! True enough.
Bill Cosby has a great routine where they send one kid “long” every time as he sucked at football… that would have been me as a kid. Last to be picked for Dodgeball too. I was a Sci-Fi geek way too early and would take cardboard and masking tape to alter my cap guns to look like the Laser Guns from “Lost In Space”. Most kids my age were into James Bond, I was into Will Robinson and the Robot.
The other part of that Cosby routine is they have one kid get on a bus, has the driver open the door at an intersection and “I’ll fake it to you.” Great line.
Cool comic and I’ll remember this when we do that New York comic con next April.
I don’t think I heard of those routines by ol’ Bill… as much as I liked his stuff! Thanks for sharing.
I got into team sports late, I remember being picked last too, not fun. I was more of a Calvin- making up my own games (Calvinball) with my own rules, didn’t help that I had few friends who wanted to learn my games, LOL. My parents enrolled me in softball when I was 7 or 8, and shortly after it started to sink in. Those first years were rough– what? learn someone elses’ rules? bah!
That’s how I used to get rid of boring friends while playing Hide N’ Seek. I just never went looking for them and headed home instead. It really cuts down on my riff-raff quota.
*shakes fist at riff-raffs*
Great strip today, Dawn…even though I’m a baseball fan. heh-heh.
meh, you can “go really long” for a baseball catch too. same trick ;0)
Reminds me of the “hide and seek” trick to get rid of annoying child relatives. Say you’re “it”, start counting, little brats run off and hide…then you can just chill out!
I believe that game was invented BY adults. disgruntled, tired ones.