Sometimes I just draw a comic because I want to draw one of the characters in an amusing way. Like I did with this other one, a year or so ago. Zorphie in a bonnet HAD to be drawn.
But, it also stemmed from this picture:

Okay, can I take it off now?
… and Rick’s quote: “Put a dog in any article of human clothing, and it’s entertainment for hours.”
P.S. didja vote yet in the latest Z&F poll?
[poll id=”9″]
In other News:
The new official site for the kid’s book series I illustrate is launched, thanks to wordpress (and well, myself)! Check it out! Sign up for the newsletter while you’re at it, to stay up to date with news and book releases.
Lol! Furry Fashionista! Nice.
have to admit I stole “fashionista” from the kids’ book series… the writer refers to Abby as a little fashionista!
What if I am in two age brackets???
yknow… I voted myself (I’m 30).. and had the same thought. I would change it, but if I do, it eliminates the votes already tallied. D’oh! How about we make ourselves feel young again and vote for the 1st option— if you’re 30, select 20-30.
Fred is workin’ it like never before. Zorphbert will have to put some extra restrictions on more shows than Americas Top Model, cause I’m sure Fred will just switch over to the Tyra show and get his fix there.
Fred has definitely gotten in touch with his internal Cat, no doubt about that.
There sure are enough rip-offs of the same show out there, sheesh! Have you seen how many networks have their own “Ghost Hunters” show now???
I should have drawn the kitty sock tail on Fred. Why did I forget that??
Great strip but I shouldn’t have participated in your poll. I now have found out that I am the oldest fan you have. It would be more devastating if I found out that I am the oldest guy on the whole internet.
I do know others as old (older?) as you who read Z&F… but they might be too scared of the internets to vote. So, be proud of yourself, you high tech fogey! LOL
Well. come clean, Bo… I’m 52 (damn near 53). So are you an older fart than me? I can take being the oldest around here… I am at most comic sites!

Hahaha! My wife and dughter do the same thing when that show is on and I always get invited to join the hoopla. No.
I hear the girls chatting about the show at work, it’s fascinating how competitive it gets! Never thought fashion model shows would get that way, heh.
alright, but how many years of therapy are you gonna set zorphbert back?
Hopefully he can take a mental health day sometime soon!
Oh, Fred, Fred, Fred…would it really be that much of a hassle for you to exchange the dog suit for a catskin?
for Fred, I wish it was that easy… but he’s been doomed to be a dog. The kitty sock tail and “struttin’ it” will have to hold him over, lol
I’m 30 as well. But I only read on a 25 year-old’s level. So I put 20-30.
how very modest of you, LOL
HA! great last panel
heh, thanks!
C’mon, Zorphbert, are you really angry just because you feel a little… left out?
(I think Fred left off the kitty sock tail because he wanted to try the pretty kitty bow on his own tail–a little change to spice things up!)
Thanks for sharing your poll, btw! There’s a part of me that expected results like that, and a part that was really kind of surprised!
I know what you mean! I figured my readership was mostly male, but goodness! And most are older than me, too.
The day Zorphbert does the “runway strut”, is the day I…um….watch these shows myself. ha!
Looks like there’s at least 5 of us “over 50” folks hangin’ around here. Interesting poll. I may have to steal that idea, but I have pretty good idea of my age of my readers by their comments (I wasn’t alive in 1977… and so on…). I like being the GrandPa of webcomics. As a former redneck, I’d never pass as a God-father…
Great last panel too!
Sorry Byron, I see your 53 years and raise you six more and bump the wager with several heart attacks and 3 internal difibrilattor pacemakers(Not 3 at once). That qualifies me as a pretty old geezer, I’m countin’ from the back end, not the front.
Either way, I’m glad to have you dedicated readers around, young or geezer. ;0)
This poll really is yielding interesting results. I knew the majority of my readers were male, but didn’t realize such a bulk of ’em were older than myself, even. Yeah yeah, 30 ain’t old at all, but when Z&F was on drunkduck, I was the “geezer” ’round those parts, heh. For my comic to attract an old-ish audience, for being apart of a “young” medium, it’s interesting.
I’ll see your 53+6=59 and add 4. A 63 year old great grandma here, forever young at heart and love these web comics. (I relate well with the great grandkids, and I don’t ever want to grow up!)