Hoooof. I guess if you’re lucky enough to get a table at a successful comic con, you’ll have to pay in some respect. Caught myself a pretty harsh cold/flu bug. So, my apologies in this repeat… but I figured this would fit in with the games theme I had going.
On a sidenote, many of you may already know that I am a hardcore, delusional, masochistic Cleveland sports fan. Yes, yes… thanks for the pity pat-on-the-head. One of my favorite blogs is Waiting For Next Year (aka WFNY). Recently, they started doing interviews with their biggest followers, me being one of them! I may be one of the only chicks hanging out there, not sure. Anyway, go check it out!
Holy Cow! I am so addicted to Tetris it’s nuts! I can’t play it too long or I’m hooked. By the way, I love Fred’s perspective shots. Very cool.
Thanks! I’m admittedly very good at the game myself, but have not played in a long time. I have found that it’s a lot like riding a bicycle- I can get right back without dealing with “rust”.
You can never go wrong with Tetris, such a great game. I used to play that for hours on my gambeboy back in the day, all sepia tone, and gray. I remember getting the light add on that fit over the side and had a bulb that illuminated the entire unit with a little magnifying window that you played the game thru so you could play your Gameboy in the dark. Man….old school rules.
Hate that you got sick Dawn. Hope you get to feeling better really soon. I read your interview over at WFNY yesterday. That’s great that you got to talk with them about your sports passion as well as plug the strip and Abby’s Adventures, awesome.
Yup! I had the same set-up, the old gameboy and the light fixture thingy. Actually, to be honest.. my MOM was the owner. Once she saw me playing dr. mario on NES, she discovered the puzzle games out there and was hooked. So, she bought herself a gameboy, complete with tetris and final fantasy. My sister and I would mooch off it on road trips.
The WFNY interview was a great opportunity, though I understand webcomics and sports are 2 different worlds, and I don’t expect to get a ton of new readers out of it. Was awful nice to be asked ;0)
I had the one with the fold out speakers, magnifying glass, enlarged buttons and a stick over the d-pad that was like two grey bricks put together hehe
You’ve crawled into my mind, Dawn. During my Tetris heyday, I would see those falling blocks EVERYWHERE! It looked just the way you’ve drawn it. Thanks for the flashback.
ha ha ha! You know where I’d see those blocks the most? In bathroom floor tiles.. I’d just stare at them and the tetris blocks would pop off the floor. Signs you’ve been playing too much!
I think everyone has an emotional attachment to Tetris.
Speaking of the wonderful blocks, I still die laughing at tthe YouTube videos of that Japanese game show that did the human tetris. Classic.
Right! I recall that youtube video too, man that was funny.
I have this theory that how a person plays tetris says a lot about their personality.. if they build up 4 rows and wait for the long stick & a tetris, or if they play it safe and just try to maintain.. how they react to the pressure of the faster music, etc.
Then again, tetris could just lead to better packing skills. I know in my case it has.
Ah, yes. The innocent joy of spatial relationships. So much less complicated than social ones, unless all you get are those #%$@ T-shaped blocks.
Anyway, hope you feel better soon.
*S-shaped, not T. Shut up, I’m hungry lol. I don’t know how that’s an excuse, but whatever.
it’s an excuse. your brain needs food to run! (and as I recently learned, it needs carbs! that explains those dopey people on the Atkins diet)
P.S. I just posted the TETRIS personality test on twitter & facebook. Thanks for the inspiration!
There could be an interesting personality test in this: what tetris block are YOU?
the square – you’re nice & symmetiral but take up a lot of space, usually create holes.
the T-block- you think you’ll fit right in, but.. you don’t. stop pretending.
the line- conceited. everyone’s always waiting on your @$$ to show up. we need ya but we hate ya.
the L-blocks – a split personality: no one knows which side of you will show up
the other zig-zag block: whatever. bland, basic, overlooked.
well, that was fun ;0)
I guess … I’m a zig-zag?! I believe this might be the first time I’ve ever uttered (or typed) that phrase.

man its like that professor there that got hooked on world of warcraft