This is SO my dog, April. She is actually pretty smart… but some tricks like “fetch” and “rollover” seem to go over her head. I taught her “leapfrog”, where she’ll run between my legs… which is just for my own amusement, really. I wonder what she thinks of doing that ridiculous trick.

April & I
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That last panel felt so personal. Products look great, makes me want to find a job even more! Oh, your hair looks great!
LOL, my hair? well, thanks.
Oh, April’s beautiful (that’s a nice picture, period)! How long has she been in your family? I really need to start remembering that different webcomics update on different days, because I tend to miss out on the original date. I like how you pull directly from your life to do your webcomic! I’m not saying a lot of people don’t, but if Carlisle does…er… *runs*
we got april last sept, adopted her. she was a stray, found on a busy highway! she is so well-behaved, it’s amazing.
yes, I agree… not every cartoonist gets to pull from their own life. this is good in some cases, lol. as for carlisle… lord only knows.
LoL, cool page. You should have made that fizbee the DISC OF DOOM from Villain next door. Roy would have been tickled by that, LOL.
CyberDog out!
OMG, why did I not do that??? arg!
what does he mean short attnt…
heh, nice one ;0)
Aw, I have a hard time with decisions, too. No, I don’t. Yes, I do. Whatever.
now, don’t hurt yourself there…
Cool to see you over on Twitter I just started tweeting and I don’t care how emo that sounds. Great comic again I still love seeing Fred with someone he is smarter then. Theres a nice goofy donald duck & pluto thing that goes on between the three of them.
it’s okay, I don’t think of twitter as “emo”… as long as you use for networking, and not blabbing about how your sandwich makes you sad, or whatever those emos do.
Interesting comparison… I agree, I like the dynamic between these 3 too.
The fastest way to overload a dog’s circuits? Hold two squeaky toys at each ear and squeeze ’em simultaneously! Total core meltdown. Great strip, Dawn!