In the words of my fiance Rick, AKA “Male Owner” :
I never try to talk to celebrities. I don’t want to be that guy, I hate being that guy, and I always end up being that guy!
I pretty much agree. I have only met (shook hands, autograph) one celebrity in my life. David Copperfield. Unless you want to count the guys form Ghost Hunters and Chip Coffe of Paranormal State. Not that I was “That chick” when meeting them… but if I met LeBron James or Bill Watterson… yeah, I may be “that chick”.
Have you ever met a celebrity? I want stories.
First off, Like the center panel for the transition, and of course funny material as usual.
As for the Fanboy thing, not the norm for me. I have met all kinds of cool folks (Mainly Musicians, Cartoonists, Sports folk.) But there are quite a few fellow cartoonists that I would still like to run into. There has already been way too many great illustrators pass before I had a chance to actually talk with them. I’m shooting for Stan “The Man” Lee. I so hope I get to meet the man who brought me Spiderman! (C’mon give a fellow cartoonist a break Stan.) I would probably end up all, Holy Smokes! There’s Stan “The Freaking Man” Lee! ZINGGGGGGGGGGGG Beeline! I could shoot a few out at you if you we’re that interested really, but that still doesn’t get me a chance to meet Stan Lee. Those of you who have ever met Stan, I’m so envious! SPIDERMAN is like Gold to me.
ha ha, I think everyone has that “one celeb” who would turn even a macho guy into mush. Ever watch Big bang Theory? There was an episode where the characters were geeking out about meeting Stan Lee. Thanks for the story!
Get any reactions like that, Dawn?
ha ha ha, uh…. no. Just a few people who knew me from online communities, which is always nice anyway.
Never been that guy given that I used to be around celebs alot. But my wife shames me into getting autographs for her. So embarrassing.
aww, heh. My guess is they are used to it. I chased down an NFL player from the Eagles to sign a pendant for my fiance once… but that’s it, really. I didn’t even ask Copperfield, he just signed my ticket.
I don’t have any good stories. The few times I’ve been “in the vicinity” of someone famous, I never approached unless someone in my party planned to. I always say, “I’m not going to scream if I meet someone famous”, but I think there might be a few contenders… ones that I just can’t bring myself to put down here!
I have yet to totally freak out… I just lament a stutter or a dumb joke, LOL. Actually, I’m not the type to totally freak out over stuff like this…
now you got me all curious! who? WHO? who will send Winnie into convulsions if she even met them?
You met TAPS? That’s pretty cool … unless … your home is … *gasp* HAUNTED (duh-dum-dum)!
nah, no hauntings here. TAPS guys seemed very down to earth and friendly. I was more of a wallflower than actually involved in conversation, tho.
I met a few comic stars at FCBD this past weekend. I tried to remain nonchalant, but it’s hard when you know this may be your only chance to ever see these people. I feel like so much was left unsaid.
I totally understand that… especially when meeting someone you aspire to. So much to say, to ask.. and so little precious time.
I had a discrete affair with a celebrity… ended nasty and she bought my silence. I’d tell you all about it, but ya know… the gag order and all.
j/k – never met a celeb.
LOL, well, thanks for the story anyway. anything involving gag orders must be interesting…
Haha, been there, done that. But only once.
ha, that’s all you’re giving me? tease!
I would like to think we’re all a little geeky like this, although we try to be cool about it, we can’t help but gush. Although I do wish my celeb encounter never happened. Long story…perhaps one day when we meet up at a con I can go into detail (good thing it, it can never happen again because this celeb is no longer with us…lol)
Gotcha… sounds like quite the experience.
Ha, I’ve been that guy at least twice. Those comic conventions are going to stop letting me in.
LOL please. it’s people like you that cons were made for! bring in those enthusiastic hardcore geeks to gush all over the big guys! eww, that sounds weird.
I’ve never really been that gal but I’ve met plenty of celebs:
The Monkees (met them back stage after one of their concerts. I was too shy to say a thing to em but I did get their autographs)
Amahd Rashad: Went to the same high school he graduated from. Met him and is then wife Felisha Rashad (of the Cosby Show fame) when Amahd’s high school jersey’s were being retired.
Boomer Esiesen: He’s a jerk
Met him when he visited my school (still no clue why he was even there…)
I recently went to the Emerald City Comic Con. Mostly to meet with a comic writer (Marvel, DC) that I’d been talking to for over a year online. It was cool to finally meet him face to face.
Also got his autograph as well as several others and got my picture taken with Darth Vader. *lol* If I had wanted to fork over $65 I would have gotten Leonard Nimoy’s autograph or a picture taken with him. But I refuse to pay that much for an autograph. Still tho it was an honor just to be in the same room as him.
As for TAPS. Haven’t met them yet but I have a friend who’s a member of the Iowa/Ohio branch of TAPS. Im also friends with a ghost hunter in Wales who knows the Most Haunted folks.
The other day I went to a Civil War reinacment and met Abraham Lincoln. *lol* Lincoln’s my fave president so to me it was like meeting one of my heroes.
And the weird kid dressing up as Mikey makes me laugh. I met Michelangelo and Donatello a couple years back.
Uh yeah I’ve met lots of celebs over the years. Never really freaked out about em tho. But I’d probably be THAT gal if I ever met Kenny Rogers, Reba, or Patrick Stewart.
wow! Now that’s a big tally of celebs right there! Thanks for sharing, I LOL’d at the Lincoln “meeting”, that’s pretty cool nonetheless, heh.
Man that would so be me. I’ve had a chance to meet some musical celebrities, and each time I always say to myself “Just be cool, act normal, they’re folks just like you and I.”, but I end up talking fast, an octive higher than normal, and just getting all goofy. I totally feel for the kid, you just can’t help it.
LOL, oh no, not the high pitch gushing! That’s the worst.. especially for guys. LIke, demotes you from manhood back to puberty! D’oh!
That happened to me once. I planned ahead and knew exactly what I was going to say and ask. I went up to the table and a chair was there with the writer’s name, but he wasn’t there yet. As I was looking around, he just pops in suddenly and sits down. I was so surprised that I just started stuttering.
ha ha, you sound like me.. I would be planning the entire script in my head too, and if anything threw it off, I’d be like a robot who blew a fuse or something. Either that, or I’d just get something signed or buy something and then immediately leave. and be kicking myself for not seizing the opportunity!
Needless to say, I don’t blame you for getting all stutter-y.. that would throw me off too.
does a lot more than that actually
I’ve met three famous people in my life.
Sugar Ray Leonard, Dennis Rodman during his tattoo phase in Detroit, and a cast member from SCTV while I was in Toronto.
In my days of constant flying around the USA for tradeshows & vendor meetings, I met THE coach… yes, the one and only Phil Jackson. Now, being a total loser with sports, I briefly chatted with him the joys of spending time at an airport. Then he called security and had me removed.
In his first year playing for the Chicago Bulls, I had to videotape a “talk” Michael Jordan gave at a high school about “staying in school”. Being the sports loser I am, did NOT get his autograph even though I was there wiring him up with a microphone. DOH!
I met Jesse Jackson (Operation Push) in HIS office as I got to move his stuff around for an interview I was videotaping for BP (AMOCO back then). Being the only white guy, he ignored me mostly. In this same meeting, I pissed off ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings as he arrived with his crew unexpectedly to get a quick interview with Jackson and he was told to wait until I was done with Jackson. Jennings was not happy and gave me a dirty look.
Then I met George Takei as we both were flying from Chicago to San Fransico. He was nice, but very brief. I was NOT your normal “Oh My God” Trekker and just said hello and “like your work” He was gracious as he called security.
Other Trek stars include James Doohan, John de Lancie and Grace Lee Whitney, but these were at Star Trek Cons. All three spoke briefly and did not call security. How nice.
Okay, that’s all I can remember at the moment. I got around, didn’t I?
Hah, love this. I try really hard to be all chill and cool when meeting folks like this, but I know I just come across like a drooling idiot.