I have been hinting at this story arc for far too long. It’s time. Falling in line with what’s becoming more and more prevalent in the US economy (and even in my own household, unfortunately), the male owner gets the dreaded pink slip. Of course, the aliens are going to be a little bit slow on the uptake… but that’s what makes something so dismal, have an ounce of humor to it. I hope if you are enjoying this storyline, it’s not because you can directly relate ;0)
My fiance’s building is shutting down completely in September, but he was among the first wave of layoffs, about 3 weeks ago. He is finishing up his MS degree, keeping the house clean and fridge stocked, and doing some landscaping work on the side… as we hope he can stumble on a job that will pay him close to what his salary was before. That’s the key- he can get interviews, but never gets a salary offer we can afford to take. Yknow, a mortgage and all. Unemployment and the severance pay will only last so long. Until then, we will try to find humor through the eyes of alien-dogs.
Tall Tale Radio
The latest TTR podcast is up. Why does this matter? Oh, gee, because I’m in it. With my (our) buddy TL Collins of Bullfinch. This is must listen, if only for Tom Racine’s classic radio voice, mmmmmm.
Webcomics geniuses Dawn Griffin of “Zorphbert and Fred,” and T.L. Collins of “Bullfinch” join me in talking about their strips, their art, and their writing. Dawn and T.L. have very different approaches, but you’ll see that there are a ton of similarites between the 4-panel gag strip and the more comic-book inspired ones. We delve into philosophical discussions on writing and the nature of digital art, and overall just have a great time. (I would like to thank Dawn for being patient with me in pronouncing her last name “Griffith” for some reason. I had it written down right and everything…but she was too nice to point that out to me at the time! My apologies!) There aren’t many better wecomics out there than these two, so, be sure to check out their sites, and take a listen to the minds behind them.
Discussion (5) ¬
Z&F better hope the family can keep supporting their lazy butts. They may need to get a job to chip in or find themselves out on the street.
hmm…. would be pretty funny having them go on interviews, lol.
I wonder how much it costs to feed a couple of aliens?
Z&F may have to start pitching in soon.
I like the way you bringing doses of reality to slap fantasy upside the head with.
Always nice to see the stuff I would complain about through alien eyes.