1. It’s friggin HOT over here lately. I fear August temperatures.
2. I wanted to draw a tentacle again.
3. A great exercise for cartoonists is the wordless comic. But really, it was more about #1 and #2.
1. It’s friggin HOT over here lately. I fear August temperatures.
2. I wanted to draw a tentacle again.
3. A great exercise for cartoonists is the wordless comic. But really, it was more about #1 and #2.
Well done.
*takes a bow*
A LOVE the smell of two-day-old sushi in the afternoon!
thanks for the description… that’s probably exactly what it smells like. And I just had sushi for lunch yesterday. *hrrrk*
Great strip, great expressions, especially in the second to the last panel. I’d love to see you do more wordless strips. Oh, and speaking of heat, it’s 99° here in Dallas today (June 2), and summer’s still a few weeks away…
oh yeah, 99° definitely beats it out over here in Philly. Actually, the heat wave subsided over the last 2 days.. now it’s perfect! About 75 or so.
And thanks, I try to do wordless comics here and there as an exercise… have maybe 5 or so n the archives. Usually I’m way too wordy!
Brilliant. I love the single splash of color, it really adds to the pungent vibe.
heh, I figured a gray tone just wasn’t enough! My goal was to at LEAST make my readers queasy. It’s good to have goals.
Wordless comics are impossible for me considering I’d talk to a wall if it would listen! o.O
I hear ya, and I’m no wall. I’m a very talkative person myself, and cumbersome long-winded conversations amuse me.. thus Zorphie was born. This explains why I love Sheldon on Big Bang Theory….
What a stinker…
(Yes, I like it. It funny)
heh, thanks Samwise!
I wonder where one could buy tentacle deodorant…
I’m oddly proud that I made you wonder about such an odd thing like tentacle deodorant. :0)
Well done!
And we finally get a sneak peek inside the suits 
Thanks Chris! Actually, there are a good handful of “tentacle sightings” sprinkled through the archives. This being the first one: https://zfcomics.com/comics/01192007/
Ha! I obviously need to do a bit of alien reconnaissance of my own!
Haha! For some reason this one makes me think of Calvin and Hobbes! Good work Dawn!