Not that I have children, but this is what I’d imagine having a toddler would be like.
Have you checked out my latest combo fanart-and-blog-post? It features me babbling about the Print vs. Web war in the comics world, as well as some exciting publicity news for Z&F… particulary Zorphbert:
Ha,ha,ha! You pretty much nailed it. Just add 100% more drama. On the Twitter blurb, yeah that would crush my ego!
counting my blessings for now that I don’t have children. Even our dog is pretty neat, rarely makes a mess. Enjoying it while I can ;0)
Remind me why they got that thing in the first place..haha
LOL, well.. in short.. to make a mess. But not THAT kinda mess.
I think most of us have had roommates like this before.
art school roommies are a rare breed, lemme tell ya.
That’s hilarious that you mention the toddler thing, because as I read the strip, I thought- man, in the interest of crossovers, I think Sproing vs. Winnie’s kids, Mission: Destruction would be one of those Freddy v. Jason / Alien v. Predator matchups that you wouldn’t know the result until the end.
and the guessing is the fun part! (as long as you’re not the one who has to clean up) who’s got the popcorn?
When I saw SPROING’s last command about the vacuum I actually had fear sweep over me for Fred and Zorphbert. We know how much their master loves that vacuum. (
Yeah, toddlers have that ability. My two boys are 17 months apart and boy can they ever cause a mess. They are 2 and 4 now, and it still doesn’t stop, they have a toy room set aside but apparently the living room is the funnest room of the house.
Just like Fred and Zorphbert are experiencing today, you just turn around for a second and then WHAMMO it’s total destruction. Not only do they cause a mess but they also have a way to destroy things like Sproing is about to do to the vacuum.
ha ha.. yup, part of the reason I used “vacuum” there. I thought, “what would be the worst thing to destroy in the event of a total messy explosion?”
I think WAMMO says it all. Borrowed from Cosby, I believe.. but he has 5 kids, he knows.
Bless you, father of a 2 and 4 year old. eesh.
As I recall, toddlers have about 1/10 of your body mass so they can accelerate faster while you have to burn more energy to chase them. Plus, they have a better line-of-sight with objects near the floor.
little twisted superheroes they are. I think their kryptonite are veggies, so keep ’em stocked!
Electronics that misbehave meet violent ends in my house, often involving some combination of a chain of expletives, the offending device hurtling through the air, and a random wall. Thankfully, I’m far more patient with toddlers and pets.
Very few expletives.
I have a perfect visual of that now, derelict. Not too far off from my own household when one of my computer’s acts up… but I do have a little patience and ability to troubleshoot. But if that fails, chaos ensues.
Also, when either of my sports teams are losing badly on TV.
Speaking for all children and animals in your general vicinity, I say thank you for your patience ;0)
Dawn, these last few comics have all new meanings for me now that we’ve adopted a cat over the weekend. He gets into EVERYTHING! I thought a puppy would make a mess, but this cat looks for things to jump on, no matter how unstable they are.
LOL! funny, I never imagined cats to be messier than dogs, but you went out and adopted the exception! Congrats on the new addition, good luck holding down the fort ;0)
He’ll run out of stuff to destroy sooner or later!
I think he may have magical ways of creating new stuff to turn into trash… recycled trash? heh
Hahaha! That’s EXACTLY what having children is like.