An awright show till that tag line got a little overused. “What me Worry?”. See to this day I can’t bring myself to say “dddDid I do that?” Thanks Dawn you saved me a bundle in therapy dough! What’s up with clumsy Fred though? Check you later.
I forgot about the “worry” quote.. it’s been probably 8 years since I actually WATCHED that show, eesh. As for Fred, you’d be clumsy too if you suddenly had piggy hooves instead of paws (or hands) too.
I’m going to be the odd one out in that, though I know OF Urkel, I’ve never had the ‘pleasure’ of making his acquaintance. I feel I have missed something very important to life.
Nice reference! I had a crush on his alter-ego – Stefan Ur-Kel. *looks around to see everyone laughing*
You know what I hated about “Family Matters” – the fact that they just dropped the little sister’s character with no warning and never mentioned her again. That was cold. Now she’s a former porn actress who went to that special VH1 rehab for smoking marijuana (don’t tell Bob Saget and David from “The Real World 2!).
I not do nothing about it.
i run away whimpering, that urkel was scary!
amazing that he was on a family show, huh?
Wow! you are fearless out there on the web! Urkel indeed.
I fear not the essence of Urkel.
Yea, I would totally take off in the opposite direction if I heard that Urkel anywhere close to me
I’m gonna laugh, that’s what I’m gonna do about it.
Great strip, D. Love the last panel!
(^U^) I was just watching Boston Legal (slow to get here) season 2… a grown up Urkel was on it today!!!!!!
The swine flu is here in Tokyo now… if it turns people into swine… literally, I hope it stays away from me and mine!!!
yeah, he’s one of those kid actors that grew up weird, yknow? strange to see him now. I cringe.
NOOOOOOOO!!!! NOT URKEL!! All right, fine. I admit it. I liked that guy too
you and the Weird kid should start up a fanclub. No need to ask me to join. LOL!
An awright show till that tag line got a little overused. “What me Worry?”. See to this day I can’t bring myself to say “dddDid I do that?” Thanks Dawn you saved me a bundle in therapy dough! What’s up with clumsy Fred though? Check you later.
I forgot about the “worry” quote.. it’s been probably 8 years since I actually WATCHED that show, eesh. As for Fred, you’d be clumsy too if you suddenly had piggy hooves instead of paws (or hands) too.
As much as I love your work, not even I can support this kind of humor. Boo the Urkel humor.
can’t please everyone … ;0)
I’m going to be the odd one out in that, though I know OF Urkel, I’ve never had the ‘pleasure’ of making his acquaintance. I feel I have missed something very important to life.
trust me…. there was nothing gained from watching family matters besides a ultra-nerd’s catch phrase burned into your memory forever… and ever.
Nice reference! I had a crush on his alter-ego – Stefan Ur-Kel. *looks around to see everyone laughing*
You know what I hated about “Family Matters” – the fact that they just dropped the little sister’s character with no warning and never mentioned her again. That was cold. Now she’s a former porn actress who went to that special VH1 rehab for smoking marijuana (don’t tell Bob Saget and David from “The Real World 2!).