I like how this turned out, but I wish I could come up with more fitting names. Unfortunately, all I could think of, to correlate with “mike and bread”, was “Mark and Brad”…. which wouldn’t quiiite work as well for the punchline, heh.
Does anyone know if a decent app like this exists? I don’t mean Siri either, my phone is pre-Siri.
I guess this is a new arc out of the cereal arc.
yes, indeed.. I think I beat the cereal arc to death LOL!
Must be that Cleveland accents at work.
ahahaha! who knows! At least I don’t say “wooder” like some Philly people around here. *wink*
You should have Siri if you got the 4S. Just hold in the home button on the bottom until you hear 2 beeps to activate it.
Nothing starts off a hilarious comic like ‘I can drive and text’.
Actually, that is kind of scary, considering how many people actually do that…
it is! I’ll admit if I really need to text someone, I’ll wait until I’m at a red light. And I probably shouldn’t even do that! Drive & text safe, Samwise.