Remember Chutes and Ladders???? What other favorite “classic” childhood games do you remember? I played with my dad’s tinker toys and lincoln logs, candyland (of course), but was too nervous to play Operation.
For those who don’t know (ie: live under a rock), E3 – Electronic Entertainment Expo- is on every video-game-fanatic’s calendar. The newest and exciting gaming news and consoles are revealed here, and the dates are upon us now! So, being a quasi-fan myself, I had to have Z&F touch on it… and of course, it’s nothing they haven’t seen before… a looong, long time ago.
A shout-out to a twitter follower, Jay Townsend, who sparked the idea for this comic. Check out his comic “Jip”, a new highly amusing office comic :0)
I remember ‘Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.’ Or does that not count?
I remember:
Candy Land
Hi Ho Cherry O
Uncle Wiggly
Cat and Mouse
Winnie the Pooh
I crawled out from under my rock long enough to read your comic and blog. I go all the way back to pitchin’ horse shoes, washers, playin’ marbles (if you could afford them) and mumble peg. Didn’t none of that stuff have writin’ on it, much less batteries and wires.
It’s easy to become inundated with Video Games and what they have to offer, but give me a good old fashioned bored game any day.
I think these guys would really like “Mouse Trap”!
We used to set up Moustrap just to watch it screw up. I don’t think we ever actually played the game, just set the trap off over and over again.
There was also the Game of Life, Aggravation, Trouble, Parcheesi (that counts, right?), Chinese Checkers, Risk… Sure I’ll think of more later!