Heh, Zorphie and his phaser. Actually, for those keeping track… although he has made references to it, this is the first story where Zorphie actually proves he has a phaser gun.
A little bonus video:
Heh, Zorphie and his phaser. Actually, for those keeping track… although he has made references to it, this is the first story where Zorphie actually proves he has a phaser gun.
A little bonus video:
Remind me not to get on Zorphbert’s bad side. I’d hate to have to incur the wrath of the phaser gun.
Btw, I love the trivia info you provided.
Those phaser guns come in handy. I’m headed out to Target at lunch to pick one up.
It was such a surreal experience to have seen you draw this (very flippin’ fast by the way) live.
George: ha, well Zorphie’s usually pretty good at using the phaser as a last resort.. something about a snowball fight gets him worked up! Glad you liked the tidbit about the occurrence of the phaser.
wit: It’s like a taser but better. grab one for me while you’re at it. I need it to shoot the rabbits digging holes in my yard. Ones named Tucker. ;0)
Carlisle: Thanks! I’ll admit I’ve always been fast. But don’t go spreading that around, people will expect me to update 7x a week.
I have to admit, I’d do the exact same thing.
P.S. Sorry I haven’t been around, I’d bookmarked a specific comic strip instead of the home page, so every day when I came to the site it looked like you hadn’t added a new strip. Duuuhhhhhhhhh!
I had no idea you were using a tablet. I’m terrified of them. I’m just not that technical. I made a video of my work progress, but it was recorded on a Super 8 projector. We can set up the screen in my living room and watch sometime.
You’re in PA, right? COME ON OVER!!
wit: LOL, that was… hilarious. Well, I tried using a wacom tablet, but the disconnect between my hand and the screen was annoying. But a tablet PC eliminates that- you draw right on the screen, it’s great. I’m impressed, anyway. I may take you up on your offer… you got beer, right? ;0)
Rich: eh, that’s okay buddy. I won’t zap you with MY phaser. Sounds like something I’d do, anyway!
Do I have beer? DO I HAVE BEER??? *runs to check* YES! I have three.
Turns out, Beer is my middle name (my mom was a drunk).