Now for a little oddball storyline about catnip… because it’s one of those weird substances on Earth. Just wait to see what I have up my sleeve on this subject.
For anyone who has cats, what weird behaviors have you witnessed after giving your cat some catnip? Feel free to leave a funny story in the comments!
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Of the 3 cats I’ve had and given catnip;
Iago, my cat, used to eat a bit and then roll in it and run around like a madman. He was a cool cat who is missed.
Abernathy, my wife’s cat, would eat it then sleep. A boring cat, but still cool, and missed.
Kawasaki, our current cat, eats every bit, then usually goes outside and kills a small (or sometimes large) rodent, rabbit, or bird. She also does this while not on the ‘nip, so I think it has no effect on her. She is evil, but in a cool way.
My dogs are much cooler than cats.
it’s funny… and kinda weird… the way different cats have different reactions to catnip. One of those endless mysteries.. like how cats purr!
You don’t know how cats purr??? Oh come on… everyone knows that… yeah… everyone… (except me…)
Uh… cats purr… by… purring… yeah…
enlightening, Samwise! ha, your NAME even says it all!
Hahahah… catnip. My cat PI loves the stuff. He goes all cutesy and rolls onto his back and his pupils get real big to emphasise the cuteness. He then looooves attention and a good belly rub or two, or three. He’s usually a typical “I’ll as for attention when I want it” type cat, but the catnip flips that a whole 180 degrees, bwahahahah.
so, essentially, it gets him drunk! Or to act like a dog! LOL
I’m not really a cat person, but I’d be giving mine catnip all day if it made it act like a dog! ;0)
One of my cats is even more dangerously under foot in the kitchen now that he’s gotten a taste for oregano. He seems to not know or not care it’s not the “real stuff” and goes after it about as strongly as catnip.
you may find him on your dinner plate of spaghetti very soon, LOL!
(there’s another joke I could make regarding Oregano but I’ll play nice)
My wife likes buying these brown catnip cigars. It fools me every time as I think one of the cats pooped on the carpet.
ha ha! Yeah, that would fool me too, I just expect cats to leave “surprises” everywhere. ;0P
This is great, I love Nettika’s tail all poofing out in that last panel. That’s when you know it’s taken it’s full effect.
I’m not a cat person (allergies), but my grandmother sure was and she could get her cat to do some pretty neat tricks for catnip. She actually trained him to play fetch, it was the first and only cat I ever saw play fetch. His reward was a big old catnip mouse, he would spend hours and hours just lovin’ all over that thing. I don’t what it is about catnip, but he’d sure turn goofy with it.
another case of cats acting like dogs due to catnip! Hmm… I sense a conspiracy rearing it’s ugly head.
I have four cats in my house, mine, my brother’s, the family maine-coon, and my sister’s cat~!
When Dunkin (my cat) has it: He rolls around and plays with the stems and seems to become a kitten again for a moment. So cute x3 and considering he’s an old cat that’s something.
Lucy and eva though (eva being my brother’s cat) : don’t react to it as much… lucy just rolls around in it and drools. Eva just runs around like crazy.
Anyway, nice comic~! love the whole thing :3
Voilet though she doesn’t react at all~! And you’d think a kitten like her would. o o;
interesting, Azmond. I have always wondered what about catnip makes cats act so peculiarly. Is it the smell? Or a chemical reaction? Why only cats?
Thanks, friend :0)
Tea made of catnip supposedly has a mild anesthetic effect on humans. Never tried it since I’m looking for the exact opposite effect in my morning tea.
ugh, I hear you there. and, I wonder what that would TASTE like, ick.
Its a good thing Nettika isn’t a cat. Then he won’t get hurt.
stay tuned, it gets worse!
My cat, after I’ve given him Catnip, asked for Funyuns and asked me for Snoop Dogg CDs and Cherry Garcia Ice Cream. No, seriously – why does catnip look like it does?
somehow, I totally believe your cat did this. LOL
Catnip works on aliens too. Huh, go figure.
will wonders never cease??
heh, this comic is so cute. I found you off inkoutbeak and just subscruibed.
inkoutbreak even