Have to admit, I really like this one. Makes me laugh.
More will be explained about how Catnip (“pactin”) first arrived on Earth, and what the Nepita Mutants had to do with it.
If you want to start from the beginning of this story to see what the frig is going on, head over HERE.
Whoa, it’s a catnip hippie. All her clothes are made of catnip man. Far out.
I really like the way you did this one Dawn. Great job.
Thanks Todd! I knew the story, but the concept of using the narration came to me on my commute home. :0)
Heh, reminds me of the hippies that would buy small farms, grow regular crops “up front” and “round back” have a nice little marijuana patch growing. You could tell by the looks of the cows which farms had these “round back” gardens. Also, downstate, marijuana “somehow” grows wild and the farmers aren’t too hip to it sometimes and the herds do eat the plants and get a little looney. Funny seeing stoned cows…
I knew there would be a pot reference somewhere in the comments. No surprise, it’s you. heh!
*snicker* stoned cows.
Don’t do drugs, kids! Do catnip.
Seriously, don’t listen to me.
This is getting very interesting. This girl(?) knows that these aliens are not animals. Presumably because she’s abnormal and whatever mind tricks they use don’t work on her. However, she appears to think they are just people in animal costumes. She’s in for quite a shock when she gets a closer look!
Yep, it’s a boheimian-esque hippie chick living out in the sticks! Just remember, it’s always the “fringe” people.. like the weird kid or the homeless drunk… who are able to see Z&F are actually aliens! The rest of us normal people are just far too busy and focused on ourselves :0)
LMAO! Subtle 4th wall breaking (creator narrative) while allowing the readers mind to draw their own visual of the char’s running amok! Well done! Me Likey!
I haven’t done many breaking-the-4th-wall comics, but I figured this idea was safe enough.. without bringing it down to the ground in ashes! Thanks jynksie!
Hmmm, panic appears to have the same effect on our heroes as pactin.