I always dream of having a day, a week, even a month, of NOTHING to do… just relaxing and soaking in all the little things I’m too busy to appreciate. Then, when I get a day off.. I kick back and enjoy it.. for about 30 minutes. Then I go back to assigning myself projects and other tasks to complete. Anyone else like this? Have a complete inability to relax?
They could throw rocks and make some REAL angry birds!
LOL, that it would! Live Angry Birds! Angry Birds Larping?
I think I would be fine with thirty minute-vacations each day. I can get bored not doing much.
I definitely hear you on that.
They have a Rio version.
ha, true!! That would be fitting :0)
Yeah. When I get free time, new stories come to mind that I just have to draw…
that’s quite handy!