Hope you all enjoy the NEW COLOR updates! Still takes me roughly an hour just to do the color… grayscale, using 2 tones of gray, took like 20 mins, pretty simple. Just too many choices when it comes to the entire spectrum of color!
I find it odd when people really try to humanize their pets. We have bandannas for our dog, April, sure… but entire outfits and fancy beds and their own TV’s (playing animal planet only!).. that’s getting a little crazy. It’s a dog, if you want to play dress up, have a kid. However, I am not above buying a token hilarious dog toy, if I see one fit. And this rubber beer bottle, modeled after Heineken (the other option was Corona), was priceless. And April, as brilliant as she is, went right for the cap, gnawed it off in 5 seconds. Too bad there was nothing inside, I feel like I tricked her, heh.
“Mommy- I said I preferred Corona. C’mon now.”
Can’t find your bottle opener? use the dog!
*glug glug glug* …..I think my dog has a “problem”. And the pig is the enabler. Damn pig.
So, this is what inspired this strip. That, and Rick’s suggestion to make a bone-shaped cell phone for Z&F.
*glug glug glug*
awwwwwww its soo cute… perfect picture
I could not believe that she did that… although she does tend to roll over on her back to play with her toys.
Great strip, lovin’ the color and awesome pics of your pup. I thought the line “and cute little outfits!” was really funny considering they are already wearing cute little outfits.
ha ha, good point.
The awesome job you did with the color just goes to show what lengths you will go to in making us hacks feel so insignificant. Good work I love it. Now I can go curl up and suck my thumb.
well now, I didn’t my extra efforts to send my readers into a fetal position! I guess any reaction is a good reaction? ;0)
I hope you know I’m just funnin’ with you. I do love your stuff and think you have an abundance of talent.
Looks great, Dawn! Love the color
gracias bud!
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“YES!!” ala Pinky and the Brain… Nicely done!
I Twittered an image of my first dog as a puppy curled up with my beer can. Why he chose to sleep next to my beer is anyone’s guess… Smart puppy mostly.
BTW, Milkbones are actually pretty good in a pinch… just saying from my 1970’s days of no money.
you pup was/is too damn cute, have to say. And yeah….don’t think I ever need to try a milkbone… I’ll leave that to the poor old 70’s rockers.
Dawn, you are Mistress of Color. Beautifully done.
I resemble that title!
My toon time doubled when I decided to start doing color. What was I thinking?
………..how did you know what I was just thinking? lol
Dawn, I loooove the color! It may take longer, but it’s so worth it. Very vibrant.
Thanks man, appreciate it!
Wow! The color looks terrific, Dawn! Ha, I love the doggie beer, too. Haven’t seen that one anywhere (of course I don’t have a dog at the moment either). It’s funny, I thought the same thing that tmcelmurry mentioned about the outfits, too, lol.
yeah, really.. aliens dressed as dogs dressed as humans, LOL! Thanks for stopping by!
Great strip as always. Glad to see your still doing it after all this time since Drunk Duck.
wow, long time no see Dan! Thanks for visitin’! You still crankin’ out Dan The Man?
nope, I’m working on a new comic called Bucket Gnome. Just started it in August.
oh, that’s awesome! Actually, it does sound familiar… Over at the ‘duck?
thats right rubber toys that train your pets to destroy your stuff
you got that right!
I think that made Fred’s day.
The strip looks fantastic in color, Dawn! You’re the Queen of Hues.
I am enjoying all newly bestowed titles, thanks!
I know what you mean about humanizing dogs at a store I saw outfits for dogs that make hugh hefner blush I mean come on see through nighties NOT!!
wow, seriously??? it’s worse than I thought! Thanks for your comment, hope to see you around!
I’m diggin the color strips! And your dog is AWESOME. Dogs are my weak spot.
I have to agree with you there, love my doggies! Nothing else will turn me into a cuddle-puss who giggles like a valley girl like a dog! (then I realize it and act tough again)