A tad racy for Z&F, but I think of it as a harmless nudge. Compared to prime time TV shows, this is nothing. Not like I am trying to impress syndicates anymore. *shrug*
Hey, have you seen my “Stuff I Like” page? It’s full of my favorite movies, music, games, tv shows, books, and now the newest category, comedians! It was very easy to set up- just sign up for listal.com, make your lists (which is fun!) and copy-paste code. One of the options is this cool widget!
Who’s your favorite comedian? I probably missed a couple on this list.
I agree with you on about 90% of your Comedian Pics. I’d have to add to the list:
Jerry Seinfeld (Of Course)
Ralphie Mays
John Heffron
Rowan Atkinson
Rodney Carrington (Only cause he’s from my town, funny guy though)
I got turned onto your webcomic thru Ken Drabb over at rickthestick.com off of his links, and after catching up thru the archives I’m definitely hooked on the adventures of Z&F. I love the story lines and the art is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Todd! Thanks for the comedians you listed there, I’ll have to check them out. Well, I know Jerry (duh).. both the others are new to me.
Then again, I am pretty bad with names, heh.
Glad to have a new reader, Ken’s awesome, love his stuff too!
Excellent list of comedians. But I’d have to add Bill Engvall to your list. His “Here’s Your Sign” bits make you laugh and think as well, which a like in comedians. He’s not as “redneck” as you might think, though he does NASCAR jokes, so just smile and nod and he’ll get to subject you know soon enough! But Bill of late has become a “classic” comedian in that his comedy is based on his personal experiences with his wife and kids (much like Cosby) and then makes fun of himself so you can relate and feel good too.
But my all time favorite is George Carlin, with Cosby a close second. Saw them both, and even though they are polar opposites for content (Carlin swore a LOT, and Cosby was very much family friendly) their comedy made you think and laugh. Now that’s comedy!
Oh, add Jay Leno. He’s overlooked but he was fantastic when I saw him in Vegas in 2002.
ah yes, Bill. Thing with the “here’s your sign” skits.. it’s a rip-off of Carlin’s various “people who need to be runover”, etc. Still funny (with a redneck-ish twist), but I have to give credit to Carlin.
I agree about Cosby… it takes some serious talent to be that funny without the crutch of curse words and vulgarity (or “filth flarn filth” as he says). Carlin, Chris Rock, Jon Stewart, these guys are all friggin’ brilliant as well as funny, the 1-2 punch of comedy.
I wonder what a jay Leno stand up routine would be like.. a bit different from a talk show.
Yeah, don’t worry about impressing syndicates. I’m still getting a feel for my own comic and a couple times wrestled with an idea because I wondered if it would be something that would be appropriate to the newspaper audience. Bah, newspapers. They’re dying anyway, so use your own voice and enjoy the freedom of being self-published!
here, here! *waves at Titanic as it sinks*
As long as it makes you laugh, do it. Don’t sweat any invisible censors cuz you know how far to push it. Plus, you can still get the Big Dogs attention doing it the way you want to. They’ll just water it down later after you get that bazillion dollar royalty check.
heh, true! I do wonder.. if I was offered a contract somehow.. would I sign? My opinion has changed so much. Before syndicates were my savior, my key to fame… now they’re censors with stingy contracts on a sinking ship.
I really love dry humor but I like a little bit of everything, it’s really hard to pick a favorite so I’ll list a couple.
Bob Sagat
Norm Macdonald (esp live)
Of the newer guys
Daniel Tosh
Zach Galifinakis (sp?)
I like a lot of other stuff Mitch Hedberg was great, Steven Wright, Chris Rock, Sam Kinison, Rodney. All of them are really the best at what they do. I’m sure I’m leaving stuff out.
I gotta see a Bob Sagat stand-up! I hear it’s awesome and will shatter the image you have of the guy from that horrid Full House show. His Comedy Central Roast was on last night.
Thanks for your suggestions, lots to check out!
Sagat is filthy. If you want a good idea of his stage act (and real personality) check him out when he appears on HBO’s Entourage
I like a lot of your picks, and will try out the ones I haven’t heard.
My picks are:
George Carlin
Patton Oswalt
Mitch Hedberg
Bill Hicks
Artie Lange
Jim Florentine
Dave Attel
Joe Rogan
Sorry, all my picks are fithy. That really comes as no surprise, does it?
Oh, and Dane Cook sucks and should be destroyed.
aaahhh, Dave Attel is good too.. although, I always find my reaction is first, “ooooooohhh, ewww…. noooo he didn’t–…”, and then laughing. Like, I have to get over my shock/disgust/silly feelings of insult before I can laugh at it. I suppose that lessens in time.
Thanks for stopping by!
I saw Jim Florentine, Jim Norton, Doug Stanhope, Dave Attell, and Artie Lange live sunday night.
Joke of the night: Dave Attell, “I love hot air balloons, they’re not exactly on the ground…they’re not really in the clouds… they’re in that weird section of the air where orphans dreams die ’cause no one loves them….”
Runner up: Doug Stanhope, “You ever wanted to voluntarily put yourself on the sex offender websites just so you don’t have to see your friends’ annoying kids EVER AGAIN?”
My favorite comedian is…me, of course
My other favorites are:
Jake Johansen
Don Gavin
Tony V
Brian Reagan
Dave Chappelle
Patton Oswalt
Yeah man, even though I never actually saw your stand up yet, I should insert you in there.. or maybe your character, heh.
Chappelle! Man, I remember him in “men In Tights”, and cracked up at him then. “NO, he said “hey blinkin”, not “abe lincoln”.. hold the reins man…”
and I also never saw anything from Jake, but he was like the first random person to befriend me on myspace like 5 years ago. For some reason I remember this.
Jake’s HBO Special “This Will Take About an Hour” was one of the big reasons I became a comic. I forgot to mention Cosby too. A genius. Not a nice man, but a genius.
Chappelle is awesome. I worked with him for a week in Cleveland at the Improv. Really laid back dude.
There are stand up clips on my main site: http://www.johnkeating.biz
I will have to see if I can DVR Jake’s special or something.. maybe it’s “on demand”. Sorry to hear Cosby isn’t the nicest, he does seem to be a grouchy old man now… was he always like that?
That’s too cool that you worked with Chappelle… he seems like he’d be a blast to hang out with. I saw Pablo at the Cleveland Improv (CLE’s my hometown, I go back often to visit) a couple years ago, which propelled me to make sure I see MORE comedy shows.
Have you heard of the Helium Comedy Club in Philly? I frequent that place a lot.
Oh yes, yknow what..I did see some of your stuff a long time ago on your site, whoops!
Syndicates, schmidicates…I have a stack of rejection letters from those “companies” from the 80’s and 90’s…I gave up on that “dream” a while back. The internet is where it’s at…although I am still trying to find “at”…lol…
Fav comedians:
Eddie Izzard
Sam Kinison
George Carlin
Jon Stewart
Jeffery Ross
Russell Peters
Ron White
Bill Cosby
John Cleese
Billy Connolly
Lee Evans
Jim Gaffigan
Ricky Gervais
Carol Burnett
Russell Brand
Patton Oswalt
Carol Leifer
Jennifer Saunders
Jeff Dunham
…just to name but a few;)
OH! Gaffigan! How could I forget HIM?? Hooooot pockets! and bacon!
Izzard is good too.. not sure if he’ll make my LIST, tho..hm..
The best part of all this discussion is there are plenty of comedians to appeal to anyone — If you like raunchy, if you like clean, if you like impressions, social commentary, midget jokes, etc. haha — there is a comic for that need. It must be reminded to get out there and support comics because they need an audience. It’s the last great pure performance art left. There are no directors, producers, or writers (although many huge comics have writers cough cough Kathy Griffin, Chris Rock, OOPS).