This is a true story. Myself playing the role of the “genius”. Word to the wise: before you spend a half hour untangling (and therefor cursing up a storm) a ball of lights, might be a good idea to test them and see if they work FIRST.
This is a true story. Myself playing the role of the “genius”. Word to the wise: before you spend a half hour untangling (and therefor cursing up a storm) a ball of lights, might be a good idea to test them and see if they work FIRST.
thats why i bought an artificial tree, i just leave it on when i toss it in the box
boooo to artificial trees. There’s nothing like the smell of pine. Not Christmas without it.
heh, i did that growing up.
There is nothing like the smell of pine smoke after it sets your house on fire either. I hate to admit it but I am afraid of real trees… inside that is.
Been there many a times. My problem is I get gung ho and before I know it I’m putting them up on the house without plugging them in, only to find that a section (the size of Massachusetts) is dead in the middle. Then I have to go up on the ladder, inspect each bulb down the line to find the broken or missing bulb. If only I’d plugged them in while on the ground I’d save myself and my back a lot of up and down. Oh well, I’ll probably do it again next year as well….sorta feels like some sort of sadistic tradition.
you take it to another whole level, man. I think a lot of these traditions are truly sadistic myself… and probably made up a long time ago as a big fat joke. Yet we keep doin’ it! LOL
We have had that problem, but with a wreath we bought recently. Apparently it runs on batteries and the batteries go pretty fast, but all the lights don’t go out at once. The red and green ones go first! Arrrggh!
oh no, the slow death… aggravating, but at least a warning… LOL.
Oh, yeah – very good lesson for people like me! Poor Fred!
I wish I would have learned it quicker. But then again, I probably wouldn’t have this comic!
Why does nothing ever work around Christmas? So that we use up our precious few ‘Christmas miracles’ asking God/Fate/Santa/Higher Power to make the lights work?! Oy!
ahhhhh.. the Spirit of Christmas! Can you smell the electric charge?
No…but I think Fred’s about to!
Careful with them wires, pup!
I love the colors on this Dawn! Gorgeous!
Thank you! Came out well I think.
Really nice page, Dawn…
gracias ;0)
Who hasn’t been there!
so… relate-able, you think? heh
I absolutely abhor putting up Christmas lights. Mine never work right, even fresh out the box.
I go through the stress, to have the pretty twinkling lights to gaze upon later… sooooo pretty.
Great strip. I just want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and thank you for all the laughs over the past few months.
Why thank you Bo! Same to you and yours ;0)
Merry Christmas!
I friggin love that Twisted Xmas song.. 12 Pains or whatever. So many lines to quote, as cheasy as it is. YO HO! SENDING CHRISTMAS CARDS! I DON’T EVEN KNOOOOOW HALF THESE PEOPLE!
what a great comic, this happens to me every year, you would think I would learn but so anxious to get them put up I never check until they’re up.
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“Then I have to go up on the ladder, inspect each bulb down the line to find the broken or missing bulb.” – I see I’m not the only one that has this problem, which is usually made worse by the little one asking Daddy why the lights aren’t working yet
entirely TOO frustrating! Good thing you only have to do it once a year, just enough time passes to forget last year’s debacle.
Yeah this sure is so funny indeed! You know it had been long
since I have read something worth the time. I sure loved it all throughout!
Keep it up!
Jade Myers