I love the Ice Cream truck. That way the dogs (or aliens) never suspect that Animal Control is after them. I am going to bring that up at the next Gatorhead city council meeting, Stealth Animal Control Vehicles. I love it.
LOL, never thought about it that way, but yeah! It’s like a disguised vehicle! Might be even funnier if it still played that dinky ice cream truck song too….
Wow, that guy has some skill to pull off a drive-by like that!
I think the powers come from the Ice Cream cone on top, LOL! Thanks for reading
Uh-oh….this could be trouble if he gets frisked during intake!
Yes, let’s hope “Horace” isn’t too bright!
That was an awesome stealth snatch. Was a big city hot dog really worth it?
usually, they’re really not, honestly…
Stealth Snatch. That’s a whole different kind of comic entirely.
Well, a big city pretzel, yes. Some of the dogs on the street in NYC were a little questionable.
Let the rescue mission begin!
only if it’s a “superpretzel”. Sorry, my company mandates I say that, LOL
Is he going to be more upset that he was snatched off the street, or that he didn’t get to finish the hot dog he paid for?
good question! I guess we’ll find out next week!
What is up with the ice cream cone?
The animal control truck is a converted ice cream truck! I thought it would be funny….
Ahh so attract em with the music and when they ask for the Strawberry Shortcake Bar you nab em.
you got it! Sneak attack!
I love the Ice Cream truck. That way the dogs (or aliens) never suspect that Animal Control is after them. I am going to bring that up at the next Gatorhead city council meeting, Stealth Animal Control Vehicles. I love it.
LOL, never thought about it that way, but yeah! It’s like a disguised vehicle! Might be even funnier if it still played that dinky ice cream truck song too….
Aw, man! What’s gonna happen next?! This storyline is gettin’ good!
Oh, and I love that unhappy animal prisoner logo on the side of the truck.
Yay! Glad someone noticed! Pathetic little jailbird doggie….
The only good thing about not reading Z&F for 12 or 13 strips is being able to read 12 or 13 new strips all in one go!
Sorry for my absence Dawn. Glad to see you’ve still got it! Haha!
was wondering where you went, glad to see you’re back and approve of my latest work!
P.S. I like the Animal Control fella, he reminds me of Mario.
he DOES look a bit like Mario. So, he’s an ex-plumber animal control specialist who drives an ex-ice cream truck. Follow that?
The animal control guy sells ice cream? Must be Korean ice cream.
Bud-dum-bum! Chocolate Lab? Sure! With or without sprinkles?
So a bunch of giddy little schoolkids chase after the “ice cream truck,” and instead find a bunch of sad puppies. That’s quite a bait-and-switch!
It’s a cruel cruel world, ain’t it? But funny for the rest of us.
Aw! I thought they did a dual service — animal control & ice cream. It could work with some careful design.
Ignorance is bliss! .. but I sense that is going to be a short-lived bliss.
it usually is.