ahh, the famous “Triple-dog dare you” flagpole scene. I’ll admit I never tried this myself mainly due to how freaked out Flick was, having his tongue frozen to the pole. Of course, the Weird Kid would find this entertaining… next, he’ll probably try that Soda-Pop-Rocks urban myth too.
Read The Holiday Special from the start by clicking the image below!
Nice perspective in the first panel!
why thank you! I think us cartoonists get sick of talking heads in panels, and like to play director a little here and there, with perspective or fun angles or silhouettes even.
Great, now Weird kid is going to be tempted to lick more things. Research has unleashed a beast upon us…well, actually warm water will release the beast but research has set it in motion.
“now Weird kid is going to be tempted to lick more things.”
That can’t lead to anything good. (except some immature giggles on my end)
I was going to say exactly the same, but Lynn Savage was faster.
:0) well, thank you, regardless!
I’ve never gotten my toungue stuck to a flagpole, but I did get it stuck to a spoon that was left in a bowl of icecream in the freezer once.
I think I may have had a run-in with the frozen-ice-cream-spoon myself…
I too love the first panel especially with just the right amount of flag waving in.
thank you! Once in a while I like to try some cool perspectives.. good practice.
Course I’m not sure how you can triple-dog-dare somebody when only two dogs are present, and that’s only if you’re being generous in your definitions.