We’ve all been victims for packaging call-outs and fancy wording. Now I’m one of those people (during my day job), putting “New and Improved!” and “Now with MORE Filling!” on packaging. I’m sorry, they made me do it. ;0)
Mind you, there ARE laws and regulations… but we all know how to get around them to a degree.
I never understood the “New & Improved” combination in advertising packaging. I mean, what is it? Is it “new” or is it “improved”? How can it possibly be BOTH? If it’s new, it can’t be “improved”. If it’s improved, it can be “better” but not “new”…
I could go on but you get the point, I’m sure. 😉
I think it’s supposed to be …as opposed to “new and worse-tasting”… “new” refers to the formula. I dunno why I am trying to justify this. You’re right, it’s stupid.
First thing I always tell my marketing Interns, Our job is to “embellish the truth” in order to get people to buy stuff.
Welcome to our world! 🙁