I usually enjoy social media. Until the election season rolls around. Now I worry for my blood pressure every time I log into facebook, twitter, google+…
I usually enjoy social media. Until the election season rolls around. Now I worry for my blood pressure every time I log into facebook, twitter, google+…
The more Fred continues to read those magazines the further away from reality his concept of humans will become. Don’t give them any ideas thought Fred, I’m sure in time you’ll see some in there. “Romney fathered an Alien. Barrack Obama has the pictures” “Obama uses tax dollars to fund sex change for family pet. Romney has receipts to prove it.”
During the political periods is when I just Love Love Love my DVR. What Commercial breaks?
ahahaha, those are GREAT headlines, and scarily not too different from what I already see on regualr news channels. yes, DVR is GODSEND.
I get all my news from The Onion.
The Onion, and the Daily Show, are the best!
i really need to know… WHO IS THE BEARDED GUY! i haven’t had the time to read this because of school, so i’m all confused and it started getting stuck in my head. if he is your husband, please tell me. if that is true, then EVERYTHING will make sense.
yes yes, the guy with the beard/goatee is my husband, LOL. He grew a goatee a while back, so I made the change to the character as well. https://zfcomics.com/comics/hair-irony/
And then the 2016 election rolls around, and the political tensions get amped up to 10…
Indeed, this was just the prelude… a foreshadowing of worse to come.
We have got to move past the social media bitching and on to CALLING, going to town halls, and meeting legislators in person! A tweet makes no real change.