Artificial flavor or not, GOD I love pumpkin season.
Share Your Pet’s Story
Everyone likes a funny pet story, or sharing pictures & stories about their pets. Here at ZFCOMICS, I want to give you the opportunity to share YOUR story! So, I am starting up a new category of the blog called “My Pet Is An Alien SPOTLIGHT” , which will post as stories/pictures roll in on Fridays, rotating with Fanart or News posts.
So, your dog or cat (or fish or hamster) is weird, right? I have never met a pet owner who doesn’t have a story about their pet doing weird things. They may even be as weird as us humans! *gasp*!!!! Tell your story via the CONTACT PAGE, and upload a picture of your pet too, and I will post it right here on ZFCOMICS!
I would mention to not forget the baked pumpkin seeds but I’m afraid that might really send her over the edge.
Love Fred tasting the streamer in the last panel.
There are days where you really speak to me, today is THAT day! [slurp]
I’m mad I don’t have a pumpkin latte today. :0(
You can have my fair share, Dawn. Except for pumpkin seeds and jack-o-lanterns I have no use for pumpkin.
aww, don’t be a pumpkin hater, bro. ;0)
i haven’t read this for a while because i haven’t had the time, and i noticed a guy with a beard. is he your husband?