Alright alright, enough is enough. I’ll stop torturing the Weird Kid, he’s got enough social issues on his hands as is. But I do love the irony of him falling for a female bully. Any of you guys bullied? By a girl?
Hope you enjoyed Alex’s introduction storyline. I want to work her in here and there as a complimentary character to the Weird Kid… can’t wait to see how their friendship/relationship changes in the those turbulent preteen years! Maybe one day they’ll actually “date”, you know…. for like a whole week! (and by “date” I mean call each other on the phone when no one’s around, and giggle for 20 minutes, in between asking a total of 3 dumb questions) Remember those years?
Share Your Pet’s Story
Everyone likes a funny pet story, or sharing pictures & stories about their pets. Here at ZFCOMICS, I want to give you the opportunity to share YOUR story! So, I am starting up a new category of the blog called “My Pet Is An Alien SPOTLIGHT” , which will post as stories/pictures roll in on Fridays, rotating with Fanart or News posts.
So, your dog or cat (or fish or hamster) is weird, right? I have never met a pet owner who doesn’t have a story about their pet doing weird things. They may even be as weird as us humans! *gasp*!!!! Tell your story via the CONTACT PAGE, and upload a picture of your pet too, and I will post it right here on ZFCOMICS!
Well look at you Weird Kid giving the girl you like exactly what she likes, now that’s really showing her you care. Way to pay attention to the details young man, so proud of you. You really should have spray painted your name on her house though so she’d know who it was from…and we’d finally know your name.
ahahaha, you know me well enough to not reveal such things!
I woulda went with the flaming poo bag.
When I was at high school there was a girl named Katrina who wasn’t a physical bully to boys but more a mental bully. She was this nasty smarmy cow who would always know what to say in just the right way to embarrass, harrass, degrade & humiliate. She had a knack of making you feel abour 6″ tall in front of others & all through high school she never changed. I came across her when I was in my mid 30’s when I had to urgently go to hospital one night, she was the nurse that looked after me. I still felt bitter toward her… It still really grates on me just thinking about her & I’m 52 now
girls do find their own way to bully, that’s for sure. and I think it takes girl bullies longer to grow out of it.. once they realize they have power over men in relationships, this just amplifies it. It’s such a shame. I can’t blame you for feeling bitter, Tony!
dude you are begging to get picked on. Alexandra Hey dork did you eat brussel sprout soup Weird kid no sprays green paint on his face Alexandra said lier! thwack! weird kid double bullied
wow! you wanna sketch this scene out for me? sounds crazy! LOL, thanks Jim!
Back when I was a fat kid in school, I got bullied both physically and verbally by people of both sexes. Fortunately, however, working out and learning how to fight back solved this problem. I noticed that few bullies target those that appear able to fight back.
usually, standing up to a bully in a way that they don’t expect amy be enough. I was raised to turn the other cheek, so needless to say, I just got pushed around more. Kinda wish I was a guy back then, most guys were taught posturing and how to fight enough to hold your own. Girls, not so much.