Thank goodness for frozen peas. Don’t let it get you down. Try until you succeed, Weird Kid. There’s a pretty weirdo just waiting for you in the wings somewhere.
I’m just glad he stood up to her. You go weird kid. Just make sure you tell everyone you ran into a door, don’t want them knowing a girl did that to ya.
TRUTH!!! ^^^^
But, the joke Todd made is still truthful.. one of the biggest insults school boys (and some immature men) will dish out is referring to another man as a female (or female body part). Getting beat up by a girl? The horror!
But, we all know Todd is just joking around :0)
Yep he really stood up to her. Actually I think he now has her playing right into his hands. He lulls her with thinking she defeated him & when she least expects it BAM!!!
Thank goodness for frozen peas. Don’t let it get you down. Try until you succeed, Weird Kid. There’s a pretty weirdo just waiting for you in the wings somewhere.
aww! so sweet, and I’ll bet you’re right George!
I’m just glad he stood up to her. You go weird kid. Just make sure you tell everyone you ran into a door, don’t want them knowing a girl did that to ya.
It’s no big secret anymore that girls are potentially just as strong as boys.
TRUTH!!! ^^^^
But, the joke Todd made is still truthful.. one of the biggest insults school boys (and some immature men) will dish out is referring to another man as a female (or female body part). Getting beat up by a girl? The horror!
But, we all know Todd is just joking around :0)
Weird kid has a spine…who would have thunkit
he’s confident in his Weirdness, though still an awkward mess, LOL
Stay strong, Weird Kid. Soon we will rise as a people.
“as a people” makes me think of herds of Weird Kids assembling and that would be… well, a comic con ;0P
OK, I was never that bad, although I do still like having a character named Alexandra; that NEVER happens.
Do some research on a video game called Soul Edge. One of the characters is named Alexandra. Okay, so it’s her last name, but still.
Yep he really stood up to her. Actually I think he now has her playing right into his hands. He lulls her with thinking she defeated him & when she least expects it BAM!!!
One can hope, per chance to dream!