Annnnnnd, I leave you with this goofy little cliffhanger. If you haven’t heard about the new seasonal schedule, read up about it HERE.
I am looking forward to this time off, but I am also looking forward to the next season, with a recharged inspiration for better comics, and the extra bonus goodies I’ll get to add to the weekly schedule. Even if this site isn’t updating with new comics, I’ll be around if you follow me on social media– twitter, facebook, and Google+ . Also, I will do my best to update the blog once a week, maybe with sketches, fanart, pictures from conventions, or just a little recap of what’s going on in my life.
Thanks so much for your support and patience!
Gonna be a loooong summer. I blame you for the hours of sleep I will lose worrying about Sock Tail.
Have a fantastic time off!
don’t you have a small child you should be worrying about more than a fictional sock? *grins*
Thank you, Chris.
Hope you have time to relax a bit too
Looking forward to your return in September 
Thanks very much Maria! If you miss Z&F, check out the archive page for some fun storylines!
I read all of your brilliant comic
When i found this great site i started to read from page one 
wow, that is quite the feat with the archive I have! Thanks so much for your comments, they mean a lot to me. :0)
For the answers to these and other questions…
(“What are you looking at?”)
…tune in to the new Z&F season in September.
(This is dedicated to fans of the 1970’s Electric Company PBS Kids TV show’s “Love of Chair” segment.
wow, bringing back the old-school TV shows! I vaguely remember this (probably saw some reruns, I was only “in existence” for 1 year in the 70’s, LOL). I was more of a Nickelodeon’s Pinwheel type kid.
Dun Dun Dun……
Hope you enjoy your summer break and can’t wait to see more Z&F come September. I’ll be on the look for your tail Fred, and hopefully things will resolve themselves for you next season. Now quit being so Weird Weird Kid!
thanks Todd! Lets hope the Weird Kid stays just as weird.. otherwise I may have to rename him.
you’re evil
*twiddles evil mustache*
Enjoy your hiatus. Indulge your inner weird kid, Dawn.
Enjoy the intermission! September will be here before ya know it! Heck, summer is half over after the 4th, which is next week! [gasp-time flies]
Have a good time with ZF summer vacation. I wonder what the next one will be called.
nice just in time for my birthday
I love how you ended this, Dawn, with the little cameo… Best of luck on your hiatus, I know we’ll all be better for your time off (you especially)!