When in doubt: panic, bust out the tentacles, deploy the memory eraser device, and run like lunatics. Moral of the story, folks. No one will notice, trust me.
I do not condone stealing apple products, however. Well… yknow what… if you’re an alien disguised as a dog disguised as a hipster .. go right ahead. But only in that scenario. :0)
This little iPad story has become a bigger iPad story. See how it all started by going HERE.
I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going…
avert your eyes, ears and mind, kiddies.
They should plan it better.
Get the ipad fixed and then use the memory eraser so the guy forgets about them.
Read the dialog in the first panel again. You’ll see that this is a new ipad instead of the one they brought into the store. Without the dialog, I myself would have been fooled.
to be fair… I did end up changing the dialog in the first panel. I meant to imply that’s a new iPad there, waiting to be bought (as opposed to the old dead one), but I must have forgotten when I was finally adding the text & balloons at, what, 2am? *yawn*
I wonder how well the keyboard would work with tentacles?
ha, I could only imagine… better hope auto-correct is ready for some serious work.
Hahaha, I didn’t noticed before Fred with the apple logo in the header… and another thing I noticed for the first time is the beautiful photo you use like background. Nice cliff and nice sky.
hey, thanks! Love when readers notice the little details. Come back on different days of the week for a new photo in the background!
Hahahaha xD! Memory erase! Now run!
dontcha wish we had that ability???!!!!
Imagine the customers seeing that from the back.
meheheheheh…. with iPhone cameras, and youtube apps…. whu-oh!
Poor fellow’s going to be fired when his boss notices the ipad is missing and no money was left to cover it.
he’ll have more time to go see the 99 Candy Corns concert. :0D
once again, the tentacles have appeared! although, they should have brought the ipad2, because it has a cool camera modes like x-ray and other stuff.
wow, the iPad 2 has an X-ray mode? Neat! I didn’t know that, and I’ll bet the aliens would find that amusing! I’m not even sure which iPad the aliens have here (or were trying to replace)… but all that matters to Fred is that it has Angry Birds on it! ;0)