This one might be a little inappropriate for my usual all-ages rating… but c’mon… if you can’t laugh at a fly/zipper joke, well.. you’re a little dead inside.
This little iPad story has become a bigger iPad story. See how it all started by going HERE.
I cannot stop laughing at that last panel! Classic!
ha ha, thank you George! I think Hank would be proud.
I dont think its risque at all Dawn, its downright HILARIOUS! [then again, risque is my normal!]
Indeed. i can only conclude that Dawn did not have brothers or otherwise spent any time with little boys.
XYZ!!!! (eXamine Your Zipper!)
ha, in fact my best friend growing up was a boy, and to this day I have more guy friends than girls. I am well-versed in these jokes. I only worry about protective parents whose kids may be reading Z&F. My “edgy/funny” may be another’s “abomination” LOL!
Thanks Jynksie!
I can’t believe it! You actually managed to make the characters identifiable while putting them in a disguise that could pass for a human. ( until you study the nose and paws ) Also, this could end up being the first time I heard of anybody getting their nose caught in a zipper.
maybe in one of those Bizarre-E.R. TV shows, it has happened before…. and I don’t wanna know why! :0P
Thanks Rainey!
Oh the puns! I love it!
everyone once in a while, a pun is very much intended. I think I met my quota for the month.
Perhaps rhetorical, but… Which brain is doing the thinking?
heh, and Zorphbert IS supposed to be the smarter one, too. Why he chose to be on the bottom wearing the skinny jeans isn’t helping his case.
aliens in dog costumes in a human costume
you got it! You passed the quiz. You may continue through the site.
This is awesome, and definitely not too edgy for an all-ages strip. Cartoon characters do the stacked to look like a person in disguise all the time, this just has a very clever and still age appropriate pun at the end. I love the look of them as the Hipster. Can’t wait to see how things go for them at the Apple Store.
glad to have a parent agree this isn’t pushing the boundaries too much. I am often surprised at what some parents will be appalled by. I do enjoy drawing Hipster Fred!
Ah, I’ll keep my comments as clean as possible… so… yeah… okay, funny as heck! You’re making it hard for an old rocker like me to NOT comment on this one…
my goal in life. annoy the fogeys. ;0)
Is that an alien in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
still the best retort yet!
All safe, Dawn! … funny situation and hipster parody
“… too mainstream” Reminds me of the ‘too self-cool” crowd around Newberry street in Boston.
the Newberry street types are everywhere, my friend. They deserve some good-natured teasing. :0)
true!! …. unfortunately
I love the “Ironic” hipster shirt!
heh heh, thanks.
I wonder if claiming you are ironic means you’re hipper than a hipster.
If a hipster’s ironic, doesn’t that make them… NOT a hipster?
if a tree falls on a hipster, and no one’s around to hear it, how can he prove he did it before it was cool?
Wait, if Z&F Don’t do human talk, how are they going to say that it’s too mainstream?
Z&F can speak English, they talk to the Weird Kid, after all. I like to think if they are speaking to each other, it’s in their own language. I just don’t try to write it & then translate all the time, cuz it’d be… well.. annoying for the reader. The mystery (even to me) is how they get away with conversations within earshot of the human owners.
They must think they’re
*puts on sunglasses*
Barking Mad
Having a talking crotch before having a talking crotch was cool, now that’s a hipster!
a more phenomenal sentence has never been uttered.