Much like the cone collar, this is something else that I cannot help but laugh at despite feeling bad for the poor animal. Just keep an eye on your dog if he/she does this a lot- could actually be a signal for a trip to the vet.
Much like the cone collar, this is something else that I cannot help but laugh at despite feeling bad for the poor animal. Just keep an eye on your dog if he/she does this a lot- could actually be a signal for a trip to the vet.
As a kid our first poodle would get a little impacted shall we say and soot like crazy across our carpet. As a little kid we just thought it was the funniest thing, but as we got older when we realized what exactly was going on the whole ewwww factor really took over and the humor sort of left.
One thing he did though, until he go too old, was walk on his front legs when he peed. Evidently at some point while hiking his leg he must have got the other one wet, so he go in the habit of kicking both hind legs up and walking on his front feet when he peed. He was such a hoot with some of the things he did. Other times he would get in a ton of trouble for getting on the table when my mom would leave the room. After dinner several nights and mornings we would hear mom shout out “BOBO!!” and sure enough he had jumped up on one of the chairs and was then on top of the table getting what scraps were there.
Thank you Dawn for these last few strips, they have taken me back to remembering my childhood pets, and those were some sweet memories.
oh man, I wish you had a video of this 2-legged-peein’ share! Sounds hilarious! I can’t even imagine it really. Glad our dog has no idea she could get up on the table. Maybe it’s a submission thing, but it took years or coaxing for her to get up on the bed or the couch. To this day she needs “permission” to do so… which is for the best I guess. But who knows, maybe when we leave, she takes over the bed!
there truly nothing like childhood pets… fond memories of all of ours (our house was a veritable zoo!)
You are overthinking, guys.
as usual.
Apparently, some humans are VERY easily amused
That’s what you call a poot scoot.