80’s cartoons sound like some drug addict wrote the premise because the children of the 60’s were the ones who were writing them. It just so happens that children of the 80’s thought it was completely totally AWESOME.
I try to explain Thundercats now and it sounds incredibly lame, but man did I love it as a 7-year-old. I wanted to be Cheetara when I grew up for a while there. Then it was a fireman(woman), baseball player, and settled on an artist by the time I was 10.
Start from the beginning of this My Little Pony/80’s Toys storyline HERE.
A Little News:
Today Z&F is 6 years old! I started posting Z&F online, at drunkduck.com, 6 years ago today. 2 weeks later Z&F was chosen as the “Featured Comic”, thrusting me into the webcomics world and slowing ditching the syndication format. It’s been a wild ride. Well, maybe not “wild”, I mean… I’m a cartoonist. So, as wild as it can get while I’m constantly glued to my computer and geeking out online. Wee!
I’d have to agree! Thundercats was cool when I was a kid and now with the new show it’s even more awesome! Congrats on the six years!
Thank you Khalid! What’s YOUR take on the evolution of Snarf? Prefer one over the other? Personally, I give the old snarf a 3/10 for being more annoying than anything, and the new snarf gets a 7/10 for playing less of a role and just being a cute pet. I like each series, but the new one is slightly better IMO, even with weighing the nostalgia factor!
Weird kid would probably gag over the love triangle between Lion-O, Cheetara, and Tygra in the new series. And be confused by Lion-O and Tygra being brothers. *lol*
heck, I’m gagging over it. I don’t get why that was necessary. Hopefully it remains a small… SMALL element of the story, but it recently seems to be gaining steam.. nooo! The botherhood thing was an interesting new dynamic, I don’t mind that as much. Except that Tigra seems to just be a jerk.. hardly any nice qualities about they guy.
Congratulations on 6 years of fun! Here’s to another 6 years of Z&F, then a two year hunt for the Yeti in Tibet, then another 6 years of Z&F!
because… you just can’t forget about the Yeti. LOL, thanks Chris!
Meh. I never had much love for Thundercats. Haven’t looked into the new one at all, but I hated Snarf with a violent passion and still do. He’s right there with Scrappy-Doo as cartoon characters that I would set on fire and roast marshmallows over as they slowly turned to ash.
And yes, congratulations.
I understand the snarf hatred. I’d compare him to Jar Jar– REALLY annoying attempt at comic relief (failing at that) and kind of unnecessary. I didn’t find Scrappy as annoying as he was unnecessary but I am very aware of the general consensus on him, LOL. The new snarf is much less in your face and more just cute than annoying. He’s pikachu in a snarf costume, and a very minor character. The love triangle they’re trying to force in there with Lion-O, Tigra & Cheetara annoys me more. The snarf debate continues to confuse me. Most kids hated snarf in the 80’s, but now I find at least half the fans of the new series hate the fact that the new snarf doesn’t talk– they WANT the annoying old snarf back. Friggin thundercats fans– can’t please ’em either way. me, I’m perfectly fine with how they adapted in the new series
Thanks Derelict, appreciate all the support and your…. erm.. in-depth commentary ;0)
6 years… it goes by fast doesnt it?!? Heres to another 6, but let it take its time-eh?!? [wink]
12 years… eesh… that sounds like forever away, but yes, these 6 years did indeed fly by.
6 Years? Are you that old? Congrats, Dawn!!
coming from you, old man… that was scary. stop it. :0P
Thundercats is a great show for Brony. There’s still talking animals, and now they wield weapons. Awesomeness to the Power of 10! See even the girls are represented with Cheetara, who could easily kick any of the other characters butts with her awesome speed.
Congratulations Dawn on 6 years of Z&F. That is so awesome and definitely something to be excited about.
part of the reason I loved Thundercats as a kid was there was a female character I could relate to (not one that just needed saving half the time) and look up to. Yay for Cheetara, old and new!
Thanks Todd, it’s longtime devoted readers like you that make the webcomic community go ’round. :0)
6 years..wow! Happy Anniversary!
Thanks Jerry! 6 years seems… longer than it felt.
As a kid, the only episodes I ever understood were the ones where Mumm-ra didn’t appear
And congratulations on Six years! May there be (at least) six more!
and wait.. they’re letting the owner see the clipboard?
Yeah, the dual foes of Mumm-Ra and then the mutants confused me a bit too.. they worked together at times, but that seemed.. I dunno… redundant?
RE: the clipboard, Zprphie is pretty quick whipping that thing out (from the magic cartoon-land place behind his back), my guess is he can put it away just as fast if needed. :0)
ahhhh… comics… no need to REALLY explain why they defy physics, spacial relations, logic and the space-time continuum. Just roll with it. ;0)
Gosh! I haven’t even seen the new version of Thundercats! Has it come to regular TV, or just on Satellite (and/or cable)?
The new Thundercats toon airs on Cartoon Network. First season was 13 eps and should be on DVD.
The plot is different. It’s set on 3rd Earth yeah and Thundera was the capitol city. The Lions rule with an iron fist and basically enslave anybody that doesn’t look like em. Lion-O and Tygra are brothers and their father is King Claudus (voiced by the original Lion-O voice actor). Chaos ensus when Mum’ra returns after a 1000 year imprisionment by the original Thundercats.
These new Thundercats live on a world where technology has been basically forgotten, there’s lots of weird creatures (descendants of former slaves brought to the planet by Mum’ra and the Thundercats).
I like the Elephant people and the Birbles!
And there’s this one song Wily Kit (her and her brother are street orphans at the start of the show) plays on an occarina. I swear it’s Capt Picard’s flute song from TNG….
wow, thanks Dierna, for posting all this info before I even had a chance to LOL. I’m a big fan of the new series, but the old series will always remind me of my youth. As corny as it gets I still enjoy it.
(see Diera’s response about Thundercats) Thanks RG, it’s been a fun ride ;0)
Wow! Six years?! Congratulations on making it this far and maintaining your sanity (mostly).
sanity?!!! where???? Someone’s got some sanity over here?
‘Scuse me, gonna go eat a peanut butter and unicorn sandwich.
and thanks ;0)
Congratulations on 6 years of Z&F awesomeness and celebrating our inner Weird Kid.
well put, and thank you!!
Congrats on your 6th Year Anniversary, Dawn! That’s an accomplishment I hope to reach soon (three more years to go). Ever since I discovered your lovable characters on MySpace several years, you’ve always been an inspiration to me. Thank you!
wow, thank you George! Well… you know…. while I may have hit 6 years, YOU are an inspiration as you have managed to lap me multiple times when it comes to sheer VOLUME! My jaw dropped when I saw you posted your 1,000th comic! How do have the TIME, man???
LOL, My Space… whassat?