Is it totally wrong of me to find those cone-collars dogs & cats have to wear sometimes the FUNNIEST THING EVER? Enough so to write a little storyline about it? Am I a bad person or what? LOL!!!
My poor dog has no been able to escape the Cone of Shame either. Twice we’ve had to put her in these things, and she’s always such a good sport about it. At first, she acted like it was some sort of fun game:
But I guess the novelty of said “game” wore off quickly, and we had to stare at this sad face for the next 2 weeks.
Okay, it was fun, but LET ME OUT OF THIS THING NOW.
what it boils down to, is that no one really likes to have their head in a cone (including me)… and that you will be laughed at if you do!
it’s like the dunce hat for dogs!
It’s all how you look at the cone. Sure it’s demeaning, prevents you from being able to bite or scratch that spot you reeeaaaalllllyyyy need to get to; but it can also server as a great way to carry multiple toys at once. But it does make getting through the doggie door rather difficult.
We had a Shit-zu once that had a bad habit of chewing her feet, not sure what why she became obsessed with that but she did. While we tried out allergy medications, etc. she had to wear a nice stylish cone, and she let us know daily what she thought of that. She’d come and sit where we had to stare across her with that look of sadness mixed with anger for what we had done to her. We, like you Dawn, found her situation humorous due to this huge funnel that now surrounded her head, but our laughter soon ended after those repetitive stares.
I totally know that looks of sadness and anger… it’s pretty much the pathetic pic of april above, but closer and in-your-face. She would just come right up to you and… STARE. LOL, poor thing. You can see her injured paw in the bottom one. Healed, but she wouldn’t stop licking it.
Oh, Ma, do I have to wear this? All the other dogs will make fun of me.
Or cats, if you ask Dixie
I am just so happy that I hav neva had to wair wun of those kone kollars. It woodent be fun to be larfed at by kats. Oh the shame it wood bring…
Cats sure do use any chance they can get to make fun of dogs! Lol :0)
One of our dogs needed to wear the Cone of Shame to prevent licking an injury. He wasn’t unhappy about. For about 2 weeks, he got to bash all the human legs in sight, and the cone was the perfect cover when he put his head down to his food dish. No one was getting any food from under his nose! LOL!
That’s why our dog April had to wear hers. And I totally hear ya on the constant bumping on the backs of our legs, as she follows us everywhere! But she certainly did not like the “total privacy” when eating… Lol! Hope your pooch is doing well now!
“Cone of shame”! That’s the best name ever!
Oh, the movie was awesome too
These guys need a social network