James has been my webcomic buddy from way back in my drunkduck days.. one of the first comics I remember reading over there was “Gary and Ted”. Yes, it’s another social commentary comic featuring humans and an alien friend (that would be Gary in thecomic above!). And the title is 2 of the characters’ names. Z&F and G&T to the end! They even rhyme! Good minds think alike.
Swing by “Gary and Ted” for your second daily dose of alien humor… but James’ is definitely a little more twisted and off-the-wall than mine…. and the result is laugh-out-loud hilarity!
The last update of his is very topical, hope he doesn’t mind if I post it over here for you all to giggle at:
Extra! Extra!
Z&F got a wonderful review/spotlight over at TGTwebcomics! Quite flattered at what they had to say… check it out here.
Man, I love Gary and Ted! Great guest comic too! “Shumway” was ALF’s last name if I remember correctly… Gordon Shumway. Nice reference to an 80s sitcom! That’s why I like Gary & Ted.
I am soooo jealous man!