
Out of the clear blue sky, without prompting, prodding or pleading, came this awesome piece from Rich Lauzon (AKA “Richtoons“), of the comic Space Pest Removal. Had I not been on my seasonal break, I probably would have done a comic or two about the over-hype of the “royal baby”… instead, Rich does it for me! Easy enough, huh?

So, upon meeting Rich, I had to check out what this goofy-named comic was really all about. Turns out the goofy title pretty much covers it. And you Z&F reader will probably enjoy it too! 2 aliens named Strad and Pelet have one job: capture & relocate space pests. If you enjoy all-ages comics and seeing all the crazy monsters/creatures/space pests that Rich can dream up, head on over and give it a read!