Fanart Challenge WINNER, and the Release of the Exclusive Ebook!
We Have a Winner!
Narrowly eeking out Kim of Pic Pac by just 1 vote, Don Koch of Kaitou is the WINNER of this past season’s Fanart Challenge with his gigantic squirrel punchline panel! He will take over that ad space for a WHOLE 6 months, through next season. Great job, everyone! Don, I will be in touch.
I already have an idea for next season’s Fanart Challenge, too…. get your drawing and coloring tools fired up! This will be a TWO-parter! Keep your eyes on the Fanart Challenge page once we hit the new season beginning in March 2014.
It’s HERE! The 2013B EXCLUSIVE E-book Download!
This is ONLY available during the off-season, and will go back into the vault on March 1st! SO HURRY! Just $3, it’s like tipping me for all these free comics AND being the first to read the never-before-seen comics before they’re printed in Volume 4! What’s not to like?
Head to the STORE, or order it right here!
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Congrats Don! Can’t wait until the next!