Attack of the duck! Don’t ask me why, but the boss wanted me to turn his brother into a cartoon duck for somethingoranother. A perfect time to collect more clipart disasters.
Anyone else flashing to those goofy flamingos in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland? Right. Flamingos. Not duck.
Not sure which is more confusing- the drinking, the smoking, the eye patch or the hat. Or, for that matter, the dead duck. Charming.
Cannibalistic Duck? Wearing yellow shoes but of course. Always the signature of a cannibalistic duck.
Yeah, I have no idea what that is either. I imagine the keyword-taggers at threw a dart at a chart of animals and gave this “masterpiece” the keyword “duck”. ‘Cuz they didn’t have a clue either.
I find this guy comical. I wonder what he must have eaten out of that little bowl to fill him up that much. Who knew ducks had belly buttons?
Okay. So. There once was a duck named Tarzan. He ate only bananas, and swooped down on tiny elvish children who ate too much candy. The end.
This is just unfortunate.
WHAT is with all the duck-massacre clipart? And why does this duck seem perfectly content with this?
The “juiciest” clipart disasters are buried in the last couple pages when you search for a keyword. Usually, black and white lineart only. That’s where I found this. I am at a loss of words, folks, so I leave the caption for it up to you in your comments….. ready? go!
I hate to be real picky with the clip-art title people (whoever they are) but some of these ducks are geese and I am pretty sure the last one was supposed to be a swan. I think I know the drunk with the eye patch, believe me he is as surprised to find himself holding that fowl as we are.
maybe it’s the keyword-labeling guys’ fault… but either way, who would want to use this art? Geese, chicken, duck, swan— they’re all.. *drum roll* …FOUL.
I had to say it. I forgot to in the blog post.
These ClipArt Fails are awesome. Keep ’em coming!
why thanks! The captions are fun to write, and make me feel better about myself. I am the Clipart BULLY!
These are great. The line art one at the end appears to be “Contemplation on the massacre of a Swan”. What gets me with it is the arm, it’s not in proportion with the rest of the body, so it appears to be coming from the middle of the gut versus an actual bend in the elbow. It’s a shame we can’t see the elbow, that would be one painful bend.
If I had to guess on the thing beating the drum, I would speculate dinosaur. Maybe the child of Barney and Baby Bop, but that’s just tragic to think about that courtship in itself.
I noticed that mis-proportioned, mis-aligned, arm as well. Good title, too. and I agree, let’s not discuss the courtship of those two… I am currently eating lunch.
wait… wait…
“I love you, you love me, let’s go have a Clipart Baby!”
That’s right, I said it. Now you have that %$#@ song in your head. My job is done.
OMG I love this keep it coming
*snicker*, it’s like watching Jerry Springer, isn’t it? No matter how bad you might feel about yourself (or talents), there’s always something a heckuva lot worse.
I suspect the drum-beater is some sort of malformed Baby Huey, hence the duck classification.