Happy Labor Day! Let’s hope clipart artists take a day off from their “hard work” on creations such as the one below:
I believe this was found under the keyword “plate”. Which, after a while, clued me in to what the heck it was. My first thought was an anteater crawling out of a hole? Why he was “ready”, I’m not sure.. ready to eat ants I guess. But upon inspection of the other keywords, one being “turkey”, I realized that snout was really a hacked-off turkey neck. How nice. And, even without a beak, or head for that matter, it can still speak (not that turkeys can even speak, but who cares)…. exclaiming it is ready to be cooked. How innovative, a turkey that gives you pointers as you cook the damn thing.
Oh look. The artist graced us with a COLOR version, which is… obviously… a vast improvement.
Discussion (12) ¬
Wow, fail. I see a deformed heart on a silver platter, talking. Did somebody get paid for creating this?
well.. according to Byron below… now they did, because of MEEE!! nooooOOOOOooo!
Wow! And to think the artist couldn’t do worse–but he managed to when he picked that color palette. And was a traditional word balloon pointer too much too ask?! I still question what this is.
there’s just too much to make fun of, seriously
If you look at it in just the right way, the plate looks like a set of lips, trying to gulp down the bird. The squiggles above the bird, looks like, if you squint just right, 9-1-1. So to sum it up, a disembodied mouth is trying to eat a deformed plucked and beheaded turkey and it is stuck so it is trying to say “call 911!” but since it’s mouth is full, it comes out looking like squiggles. That or I stood too close to the grill today;)
Back away from the grill, the lighter fumes are gettin’ to you, Karl…

holy shamoly, Karl. There’s just no need to but that much brain power into this, man. Laugh, eat your charred burger, and move on ;0)
Holy crap, I feel SOOOO much better about my drawing skills…
But the answer to the question is NO the artist does not get paid unless someone USES it… like Dawn did. AUGH! Dawn, what have you done!

NOOOOOOOOooooo! I created a monster! Well, I am an enabler of someone who created a monster.
I find it inspiring. (It don’t take much to inspire me.) I’m going to print it out and use it as a template and see if I can create something from it. I already see the haed of a Razorback hog. Maybe you ought to have a contest to see who can be the most creative with it.
wow, here’s to you, taking Clipart FAIL to new territory! Love to see what you come up with… and yeah, that is a cool idea for a contest! Hmmmmm…