Why is it that it’s always the weirdos who live out in the middle of nowhere? Or are they weirdos BECAUSE they live out in the middle of nowhere?
mmmm… catnip cookies. purr.
If you want to start from the beginning of this story to see what the frig is going on, head over HERE.
Thanks . Now I want some cookies. LOL
I ALWAYS want cookies :0P
Maybe Fred’s got his ray gun hand and can cook up some Pactin, but he better stay at a safe distance when he does otherwise the smell will knock him out and something else may get cooked in the process.
on second thought, lets not use the ray-gun method. LOL
Thats what I say when my wife Isn’t home to cook us something!- “Ya know what would be handy, a working oven”.
Ergo, I couldn’t cook my way out of a paper bag, but I sure could set it on fire! o.O
most women don’t find the term of endearment “working oven” very flattering. I prefer the appliance endearment “blender”, myself.
I wouldn’t be suprised if the cookie recipe had “herbal suppliments” in it, but I’m not thinking pactin.
* grins *
yeah, well, can only go so far with family-friendly material here. But, uh, yes.
Are those “special” cookies? >.>
Depends on how old you are. 18+, yes. :0)