In the never-ending revolving-door that is the library of webcomics, it’s a rare occurrence to find someone who started out with you at the same time, and 3+ years later, the both of you are still in touch and still going strong in your little corner of the internets. One of the few I can lump into this category is Mr. Brock Heasley of Superfogeys. We both started out on, and moved on from there to our own corners. And now that I have met him in person at last year’s Baltimore Comic Con, I can say that he’s not only talented, but truly a terrific & friendly guy (in person, as well as online). When it comes to reader interaction, Brock is King.
Superfogeys was one of those comics that instantly hooked me. I read one strip and thought, “this is totally up my alley! How long have I been missing out on this!” Now, you may think that a comic about old retired superheroes will be as boring as any other retirement home, but when it comes to Superfogeys, you’re wrong! You may also think this comic will be one oatmeal/depends/bedpan joke after another… but again, WRONG! The Superfogeys universe is full of funny, colorful characters, intertwining with swirling story-arcs and jam-packed to the brim with twists that will keep you coming back. And right now, my friends, is the best time to jump in… because everything has been leading up to a HUGE plot twist:  on Thursday August 18th, ALL WILL BE REVEALED!

Now, From Brock himself, a little teaser:
If you’ve never read the SuperFogeys or it’s been a while since you have, now’s the time to check it out! Launched in September of 2006, the SuperFogeys has steadily developed into a hilarious and dramatic saga that’s far and away from its gag-a-day roots. Throughout its nearly four-year run, one villain has loomed over the residents of Valhalla-Home for the Supertired more than any other, the Third Man. We now know he’s secretly Dr. Klein, the founder of Valhalla, but what does he want? Who is he, really? And how do Spy Gal, Captain Spectacular, Swifty, Dr. Rocket and all the rest fit into his plans?
Everything has been leading up to the bomb creator Brock Heasley will be dropping on Thursday, August 19th. Early reactions to the revelation (by those lucky few) have varied from “That’s a total mind screw” to “Holy Sh—!” (Okay, so that’s not a lot of variety. Reactions are pretty much the same across the board!)
To celebrate, SuperFogeys will be running four updates August 16th-19th, Monday-Thursday. Then, in the week after that (after everyone’s had a chance to calm down!), seven consecutive daily updates August 23rd-29th, Monday-Sunday.
It’s time to catch back up with SF. What are you waiting for?