As I am writing this, I am nearing the end of the Return of the King… and still can’t decide if it’s my favorite… the Two Towers has my favorite fight scene at Helm’s Deep. But Eowyn defeating the Nazgul, with the cry “I am no man!” really pulls at my tough-girl-tomboy strings. And the Fellowship has it terrific moments too. All together, LOTR is going to be my most memorable trilogy that I’ll gush about for years.
This comic is another of my way-too-wordy, jam-packed-with-too-much-crap creations. I thought about breaking it up into 2 strips, but not so sure how long I want to drag this out. I didn’t intend for it to be a long storyline.
Aww.. now they’re bowing to the Hobbits, when Aragorn is being crowned King. That always gets me too.
P.S. errors in the last update are now fixed, thanks to my trusty editors ;0)
Do I have to remind you about the Contest again?
“Return of the King” is great with the exception of the sped-up endings (in order to quickly show what’s happened to everyone, even if that’s just a quick shot of 2 people together).
My favorite Lord of the Rings fight scene is the one in “Fellowship…” only because Boromir had been such a dick… er, “possessed by the ring” earlier on, but he fought so hard after/while getting “lit up” by arrows. That’s one of my favorite movie scenes of all time (but I have many, some for comedic purposes that have more to do with dialogue).
I thought the strip was funny and the amount of wording was perfect to get to the punchline, but considering you see how my comments go on and on, I’m not the best person to say so!
oh god, the Boromir scene in Fellowship is pretty awesome, he totally regained my respect as a character. Well, glad you weren’t bothered by the busy-ness… I know I am my own worst critic.
Funny, most people think the ROTK movie ending drags onnn and onnn… heh.
gandorphs sacrifice at the bridge moved me the most of any scenes i saw
still gives me goosebumps, even after seeing it a dozen times. Might be my favorite scene overall.
Gandalf is a wizard…why did they have to spend 2 movies getting there? couldn’t he have just magically sent them to the third movie?
That’s what I used to ask about Noah having to build an ark that could’ve easily been magically constructed. I think I got excommunicated for that query.
ha ha, you guys crack me up! With LOTR, as with most religions, don’t ask questions! Just accept! sheez!
I love a lengthy script. I’m not a LOTR fan, but I appreciate it. My first exposure to it was by listening to the audio-book while working at a job I abhorred, so that may be the reason why I’m sorta negatively influenced.
But I really enjoyed your strip! And who knows? You may get me interested in LOTR.
I have a similar experience which left a bad taste in my mouth with Harry Potter- having to work at Barnes and Noble on release nights… and the hellish children that destroyed the store. needless to say, never read the books.
Glad you’re appreciating the comic anyway! Thanks!
i really enjoy the backgrounds you use in this. ive only read a few strips, but you really help make the world the characters live in more alive and realistic, instead of just a few lines behind the characters. it makes it seem more like an environment, and not just a background.
keep up the good work!
well thanks, Todd! Funny how you mentioned the backgrounds on an update where I barely had room for any! But yes, I do try to give somewhat of a setting for the viewer… glad my extra efforts goes a long way!
Hope to see you back here in the future ;0)
Great job on this one. The movies do a great job overall of depicting the books with a few minor/major quibbles. Faramir NOT letting Frodo go at the end of the second movie is wrong.
yeah, I know there’s a bunch of discrepancies, but the trilogy is so fantastic, I’ll gladly look past it.
The scene where Aragorn says to the Hobbits, “You bow to no man” … does really pull at your heart strings. Almost as much as when Bruce Willis cuts Ben Affleck’s air hose in Armageddon to save his life. That scene brings tears to my eyes every time! Great strip Dawn.
That’s very true. That’s one of the scenes that gives me chills.
I laughed in the fourth panel (or the bottom half of the third): This is nonsense…an orc, I guess. Haha, good characterization. He totally wants to be an orc.
My favorite scene in the LOTR series is the wood elves migrating in the extended version. Just about a 20 second scene, where Frodo and Sam see glowing-blue wood elves walking slowly and singing. Frodo says they’re leaving, never to return again, and Sam says it makes him sad.
I don’t know why, but that scene has always stuck with me. It’s just beautiful.
Oh and the BATTLES!
ha, having just watched the extended versions of the movies, I DID get to see the scene with the wood elves…! Was beautiful, and a bit of a foreshadowing of what’s to come for Frodo, being that he leaves too in the end (oops, spoiler! lol)
I don’t so much think ol’ Z wants to be an Orc, I think he didn’t even know what an Orc was, and made a bad choice! whoops!
Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it!
Well…he does have the hairy feet.
indeed… i was trying to find away to work that in.
Its loves the Z&f its so precious my precious.