Fellow Master-of-the-Adorable cartoonist Kim Bedling of PicPak Dog brings us the 3rd installment of the Famous Duos Fanart Challenge! He cleverly turned Z&F into another fun duo– her own characters PicPak and his sarcastic “wife” Wakky! Ha, I’m sure Zorphbert would looooove being referred to as Fred’s “wife”. I love mashups like this! Kim’s background sounds very familiar to my own.. drawing cartoons all his life, and PicPak Dog has been his “baby” since he was 5 (in between practicing on Garfield and Snoopy). The comic is a sweet tale of cats and dogs, some of them married with families, and thus… bicker like cats and dogs too. An interesting twist to PickPak is that most of the comics he has on his site were actually written when he WAS a kid… making it all the more kid-friendly! No doubt if you enjoy the all-ages AND dog/cat aspect to Z&F, PicPak will be right up your alley!
Z&F Book 3 is nearly done!
…. yet I am still stressing over the title. I know it’ll have something to do with Angry Birds and Hipsters, from THIS storyline, but I haven’t come up with something catchy enough to satisfy my OCD tendencies with these things. But I do know this:
- it’ll be blue.
- It’ll be done by THIS weekend (or I call shenanigans).
- It’ll be available to pre-order VERY soon.
- It’ll be included in a terrific deal with the other 2 volumes, once it’s released!
- And it’s packed with bonus content and a NEW comic strip I have been doing over the past year (if you follow me on social media, you may know what that is! Z&F fans will enjoy it for sure!)
Discussion (3) ¬
Very cute…great job Kim
as long as they didn’t use pickpak’s ACTUAL skin…